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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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The fact remains the cyclist is holding back a long line of traffic. Thats in the video, watch it again or dont bother but if your going to deny whats in front of you then we dont have anything to talk about.


You need to post in the computer and tech chat forum mate, get your monitor sorted out


Everyone is telling you that the cyclist keeping left and out of the main lane as far as possible. If you can't see it, you have a hardware issue or a specsavers issue


But regardless, where do YOU think the cyclist SHOULD be riding, on that stretch?

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I cycle to work and back everyday there are good and bad cyclists and drivers, but the time of day for the worst drivers is 5.45 am ish speeding and overtaking because they are a few minutes late for work of course I wouldn't mind paying road tax but then does that mean I pay twice because my car is at home ?

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You're plumbing the Bassman62 depths of misunderstanding how roads work there Timeh.


---------- Post added 28-06-2015 at 17:04 ----------


Suicidal morons use many forms of transport.


It's very interesting that you are so dismissive of this kind of thing in comparison with the thought of someone causing others to need to drive slightly slower - and in the case of your video they're not even doing that.


The difference between the car pictured and other forms of transport concerned, is that the motorist isn't just "suicidal". To the extent that they are suicidal, they are also murderous.

Edited by mattleonard
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Keep an eye on the right of the screen for the cyclist doing what they do best. Holding up a long line of traffic.
What utter bigoted nonsense. The cyclist is as far left as he can be and in fact as someone correctly pointed out, he's actually inside the dotted lines of the parking layby/area, so not really on the road itself. There's probably enough room for an impatient tram driver to squeeze past in fact which may well have happened, but the dash camera viewpoints are too far away to find out.

If you or your equally blind relative cannot understand such a simple driving scenario, then you should both hand in your licences.


Another thing to consider is that if the tram tracks were laid out in such a way that the trams cannot get past a cyclist legitimately using the roads, then that's really poor design and no fault of any cyclist.


---------- Post added 29-06-2015 at 00:50 ----------


No he didnt. Thats just a blatant lie and the rear view camera shows that.
No it doesn't it shows exactly what Squiggs said. You and your relative are the ones who cannot tell what is going on.
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I think Timeh has comprehensively demonstrated that ignorance is a very significant part of the answer to the OP's question. What's scary is that it's often the same people who make rash misjudgements who decide to respond by driving dangerously in order to make their point.

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Suicidal morons use many forms of transport.


So lets get this right, you have a car that overtakes into oncoming traffic on a blind corner, and you decide to take issue with:


As for the OPs original question

Stuff like this doesnt help cyclists in general.

I loaned my car to a family member who caught this




I think that the old saying applies here - you'll forgive your best friend for eating with their hands whilst criticising your enemies for using the wrong knife and fork.


Anyway, you have summed this thread up very succinctly. Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists? Because haters will always hate!

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What with this intro and your factually incorrect first line i think ill leave this one here



---------- Post added 28-06-2015 at 13:49 ----------



Well if youre only going to see what you want to see and not whats in the video i think ill leave this one too.

The fact remains the cyclist is holding back a long line of traffic. Thats in the video, watch it again or dont bother but if your going to deny whats in front of you then we dont have anything to talk about.



The cause of the problem is clearly the long line of parked cars taking up 1/2 the lane- as is usually the case when a cyclist is being wrongly blamed for holding up traffic.

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Not sure this driver has figured out what double white lines mean http://sheffield9.net/images/hathersageroadA625.jpg


You can cross the solid white line in certain circumstances


From the HC rule 129..


"You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less."

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You can cross the solid white line in certain circumstances


From the HC rule 129..


"You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less."


So is it possible to tell if the road is clear on a blind corner?

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So is it possible to tell if the road is clear on a blind corner?


The corner doesn't look too blind to me..the overtaking car is only a wheel width over the line...without knowing where the guy started his overtake and what he could see or what the speed is you can't say whether or not he should/shouldn't have done it.. but the fact remains that a solid white line doesn't mean no overtaking ever.. which is what I understood SportsTrophy to have meant...

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