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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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:hihi::hihi: oh how clever we are:roll:using your vivid imagination as a key board warrior:suspect: clearly you dont get out much into the real world :loopy:


Wow - are you on some quest to invent whole new ways of being hypocritical? I get out into the real world plenty thank you.



any sane person can see which is safer mode of carrying kids,


Did my point in any way mention one being safer than the other?



yes car drivers can also be irresponsible but the percentage ratio to cyclists is far lower!


Did I mention percentage ratios? What (if they were even a thing, which they aren't) have they got to do with anything? We can agree to disagree about whether your percentage ratios claim is true.



3 kids on bike is stupid as most things cyclits do on regular basis:o red light jumping, pavement hopping, weaving through pedestrians, 2 abreast etc etc


OK, so I can only assume that your whole "percentage ratios" point is that there's some percentage threshold at which all those people who don't commit a misdemeanour, but just happen to use the same vehicle as them should suddenly get blamed for all the other people's wrongdoings? So what's that percentage?

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I go to work on my bike most days in the summer. This week I have been the ONLY cyclist I've seen stop at the lights near B&Q on Queen's Road.

I hate a lot of the anti-cycling rhetoric. I'm not blind though.


I cycle Queens Road a lot (in both directions).. any cyclist who runs those lights at B&Q, or the one back at the Bramall Lane junction, will sooner or later find himself hit by a car or van. Those are notoriously bad junctions and regularly have serious accidents of all types.. running red lights is foolish, running them on Queens Road is foolish in the extreme.



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i dont really care what you believe,

Why post on a discussion board then?

as i said unfastened kids in a car, wrong as it is ,i s a damn sight safer and slightly more sensible than 3 kids and an adult on a bike in traffic, stop being so obtuse or is that your modis operandi???

Nobody is being obtuse.


I keep asking (as do other people), why the behaviour of 1 cyclist would cause you to have animosity for all cyclists. You apparently don't understand the question.

I don't even understand how concern for some children would result in animosity either, but lets not even go there.

yes i understand the point and stand by it in this case.

by the way the highway code does not say 2 a breast is fine in traffic, holding everyone up its common courtesy to be in single file lol!

It does say that 2 abreast is fine, you're quite correct!

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If you seriously think that an unrestrained child in a car is somehow magically safer than a child on a bike, then there's not much hope. For a start, cars generally travel faster for at least part of their journey. In an accident at say 30 mph, that child is likely to still be travelling at close to 30 when it hits a solid object, which could be the windscreen, or the back of the driver's head as two examples.


of course a child restrained or unrestrained is safer in a car than sat exposed on a bike with two others and an adult, nothing between the road and skin apart from clothes.

now i am not saying an unrestrained child in a car is safe either, but any at any speed i would take my chances in a car.

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You understand that there is only any danger in either scenario in the event of an accident?


Do you know the relative risks per mile travelled of an accident in each vehicle type?


And then do you know the risk of injury to an unrestrained child in a car accident? Compared to the same risk for a cycle accident?


And can you explain why any of that causes you to harbour animosity (you know what the word means right?) towards cyclists?






strong hostility.

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You understand that there is only any danger in either scenario in the event of an accident?


Do you know the relative risks per mile travelled of an accident in each vehicle type?


And then do you know the risk of injury to an unrestrained child in a car accident? Compared to the same risk for a cycle accident?


And can you explain why any of that causes you to harbour animosity (you know what the word means right?) towards cyclists?




yes of course i understand that, but in the case of an accident the kids on the cyclist are likely to come off worst in my opinion and lot of other peoples opinion ? clearly not on here though but hey.

maybe its the cyclists arrogance and stupidity that make people show animosity towards them?? when they see things like this:roll:

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yes of course i understand that, but in the case of an accident the kids on the cyclist are likely to come off worst in my opinion and lot of other peoples opinion ?


Then I hope you never catch a flight then, since despite the relative risks being much lower, in the case of an accident you and any kids are likely to come off much worse.


FYI, I actually agree that to try and cram three children on a bike is idiotic, but you've never asked us, you've just assumed that because you've seen one person do it that we are all just as guilty.


clearly not on here though but hey.

maybe its the cyclists arrogance and stupidity that make people show animosity towards them?? when they see things like this:roll:


Why do you believe that your posts don't count as arrogant and stupid? Or is it just that you feel those attributes are acceptable if they are also combined with hypocrisy?


stop being so obtuse or is that your modis operandi???


Is your modus operandi employing poorly-spelt latin in an attempt to lend weight to a flimsy argument? Or do you believe that spelling foreign words correctly is a liberal affectation?

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yes of course i understand that, but in the case of an accident the kids on the cyclist are likely to come off worst in my opinion and lot of other peoples opinion ? clearly not on here though but hey.

maybe its the cyclists arrogance and stupidity that make people show animosity towards them?? when they see things like this:roll:


You're just making things up now. Where has anyone else commented on the safety of cycling with multiple children on the bike?


Can you explain why seeing 1 cyclist do something unwise makes you feel animosity towards them all? Yet you don't apply the same logic to drivers.

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You're just making things up now. Where has anyone else commented on the safety of cycling with multiple children on the bike?


Can you explain why seeing 1 cyclist do something unwise makes you feel animosity towards them all? Yet you don't apply the same logic to drivers.


As I posted earlier this snippet from Dr Ian Walker - psychologist, explains it all very well:


“What you see in discourses about cycling is the absolute classic 1960s and 1970s social psychology of prejudice. It’s exactly those things that used to be done about minority ethnic groups and so on – the overgeneralisation of negative traits, under-representation of negative behaviours by one’s own group, that kind of thing. It’s just textbook prejudiced behaviour.”
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