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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Which is how it should stay.


If we can't trust cyclists to know which pedestrian areas are for shared use, then there is no hope for shared pavements.


Once again were back to what Dr Ian Walker - psychologist, has to say about people's attitudes towards cycling


“What you see in discourses about cycling is the absolute classic 1960s and 1970s social psychology of prejudice. It’s exactly those things that used to be done about minority ethnic groups and so on – the overgeneralisation of negative traits, under-representation of negative behaviours by one’s own group, that kind of thing. It’s just textbook prejudiced behaviour.”
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Guest sibon
Once again were back to what Dr Ian Walker - psychologist, has to say about people's attitudes towards cycling


But, you are misunderstanding my argument. I'm not prejudiced against cyclists. I cycle myself.


I just don't think that cycles belong on pavements.

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But, you are misunderstanding my argument. I'm not prejudiced against cyclists. I cycle myself.


That sounds very much like the - I can't be racist because I've got a black friend argument.


I just don't think that cycles belong on pavements.


No, you made a comment that, we can't trust cyclists to know which pedestrian areas are for shared use, then there is no hope for shared pavements, based upon one persons post. As Dr Ian Walker says it's textbook prejudiced behaviour.

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Guest sibon
That sounds very much like the - I can't be racist because I've got a black friend argument.




No, you made a comment that, we can't trust cyclists to know which pedestrian areas are for shared use, then there is no hope for shared pavements, based upon one persons post. As Dr Ian Walker says it's textbook prejudiced behaviour.


You can chuck insults around all you like. It doesn't make for a very edifying argument from you though.


I'm surprised really, I thought that you were better than that.

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You can chuck insults around all you like. It doesn't make for a very edifying argument from you though.


I'm surprised really, I thought that you were better than that.


I'm sorry it wasn't meant as an insult, it was what I believe an honest description of your behaviour. Sometime it hurts the most when the cap fits.


After all, I was most surprised that because of one post on an internet forum by someone who I've never met, you've managed to judge that I wasn't competent to cycle on a shared use path, by saying there's no hope for them.


I certainly thought that you were better than that.

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I was on the consultation group for the initial plane to upgrade of the Moor about 8 years ago. Cycling is prohibited along its length but to add to the confusion there were plans to allow you to cycle across it at various points such as Sainsburys (Eyre Street). I believe this is true for delivery vehicle to although they are not allowed to travel along its length and in theory they have to be market traders.


There was discussion about where cyclists would go after the quiet parallel route (Cumberland st) was blocked by the new market block and I don't think this was ever completely answered. Pretty much a case of consult a group of users then ignore them. Cumberland St linked together to form a quiet parallel route from London Road all the way to Howden House and onwards to Norfolk St.


Anyone who cycle commutes that way care to let us know what route you use now that route is blocked?

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Guest sibon
I'm sorry it wasn't meant as an insult, it was what I believe an honest description of your behaviour. Sometime it hurts the most when the cap fits.


After all, I was most surprised that because of one post on an internet forum by someone who I've never met, you've managed to judge that I wasn't competent to cycle on a shared use path, by saying there's no hope for them.


I certainly thought that you were better than that.


Maybe you should check out post 1325. You know, the one where I acknowledge your abilities as a cyclist.


I'm going to end this discussion at this point, because I think you've really overstepped the mark up there.

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Once again were back to what Dr Ian Walker - psychologist, has to say about people's attitudes towards cycling


The thing is that Cyclone is such a vociferous advocate for cycling that you would expect him to know which areas are designated for use by cyclists. Although he doesn't support riding on pavements, the belief that the Moor is a cycle zone tends to undermine other positions he puts forward. In this instance you are making an erroneous extrapolation to bring in Walker's view (which, by the way I tend to agree with).

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The thing is that Cyclone is such a vociferous advocate for cycling that you would expect him to know which areas are designated for use by cyclists. Although he doesn't support riding on pavements, the belief that the Moor is a cycle zone tends to undermine other positions he puts forward. In this instance you are making an erroneous extrapolation to bring in Walker's view (which, by the way I tend to agree with).


Maybe if the poster judged Cyclone alone by his comments then he'd certainly have a had a point. The issue arose because the poster decided to use Cyclone's post to make a point against cyclists as a whole, or as I said earlier overgeneralise negative traits.

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Anyone who cycle commutes that way care to let us know what route you use now that route is blocked?


I go Malin Bridge to London Road or Beauchief every morning. I go through Kelham Island and through the staggered Toucans to Pond St. I cut up onto Flat St. and go past the Interchange, past the Howard and Showroom. Chicane installed to bring cyclists into conflict with buses. I go along Brown St., carry on onto Sidney St, across road onto Sylvester St and come out at Decathlon. Cross at staggered Toucan, go up funny cycle path that ends at a zebra crossing by Sharp Fruits nightclub. Turn left and come out at St. Mary's Gate lights.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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