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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Not according to this.


I'm surprised that you didn't know:rolleyes:


I'm not infallible and I have no reason to cycle up the moor, so I've never checked.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 11:16 ----------


You can chuck insults around all you like. It doesn't make for a very edifying argument from you though.


I'm surprised really, I thought that you were better than that.


It's not an insult though, it's a description of the pathological mental behaviour you are demonstrating.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 11:18 ----------


Anyone who cycle commutes that way care to let us know what route you use now that route is blocked?


I said I have no reason to use the moor. The reason I don't is because it's far faster to go up Charter Row. Hence why I've never actually checked on the status.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 11:19 ----------


I'm going to end this discussion at this point, because I think you've really overstepped the mark up there.


You don't like your massive generalised comments about there being no hope for cyclists, based on me getting the status of a single bit of pavement that I don't use wrong, being pointed out to you...


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 11:20 ----------


The thing is that Cyclone is such a vociferous advocate for cycling that you would expect him to know which areas are designated for use by cyclists.

What, all of them? Everywhere?

Can you list all the roads on which you're allowed to drive?


It's a good job you don't want to hold me to a high standard isn't it! :roll:

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Its not surprising that people get confused as you have to know the city really well to navigate the minefield TROs, bylaws, right of way and areas where cycling is allowed or not.


Barkers Pool – Pedestrian Square outside the City Hall – cycling allowed anywhere on it, it also forms part of the now neglected Peak district Anniversary route


Tudor Square – Pedestrian Square – cycling not allowed (or any other wheeled contraption) due to a bylaw imposed by the then libdem administration primarily to get rid of skateboarders and force them to use the board park in Devonshire Green (look for a small while bylaw sign).


Sheffield parks – cycling forbidden by an old bylaw last modified in 1969 to disallow use of jet powered model aircraft in any park (except see below) but Sheffield council have repeatedly said that they will turn a blind eye to anyone cycling in the parks safely as it’s too expensive to remove the bylaw.


SCC also hold their own disability cycling for all events in Hillsborough Park so they are unlikely to fine their own staff or a group of disabled riders.


Bingham Park – cycling allowed by TRO (was expensive to implement but part of that Peak District route)but only if you stick to the correct side of the white line.


Meersbrook Park is part of a council approved cycle route but I don’t think the legal niceties were ever put in.


The tram bridge by Ponds Forge. When we checked the legal status to ask to have it changed it to allow cycling over the bridge it turned out it had never been forbidden in the first place.


University tower court – cycling allowed due to public right of way.


Narrow pavement outside the Bankers draft - yep that one is a legal shared path cycle route (very tiny signs indicate say this) – Fargate of course isn't legal (council wanted it to be a through route, police objected)


Outside the station and routes to the Leadmill. Network of cycle paths on the pavement marked by a subtle change of colour in the block paving – confuses pedestrians and cyclists alike but not really an issue as much of it is blocked by parked cars (although note its illegal for a cyclist to cross over onto the pedestrian part of a shared route even to avoid an obstruction, but not illegal for a pedestrian to walk on the cycle part)


Norfolk St – legal cycle route although the city ambassadors once tried to fine a city councillor for legally using that route.


Howard St – pedestrianised but completely legal to cycle on although once again security weren't told this and they tried to stop cyclists, however you can’t then cycle on past the knife sculpture on the direct route, you should turn sharp left and use the second pedestrians / cycle crossing to be completely legal. But this will of course put you in conflict with the pedestrians queuing across the cycle lane.

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I'm not going to read through 73 pages of posts I'm afraid but are people really condoning adult cyclists on pavements?


There isn't a day that goes by when either myself or my mother is almost knocked over by cyclists going at not such a slow speed outside/near Maplin's in Hillsborough. My sister was hit by a cyclist on Barkers Pool a short while back and ended up with 3 days off work recovering from bruises so painful she couldn't move one of her legs and arms.


I've got three cameras on my vehicle being used for a research project collecting statistics about dangerous drivers, which for all accounts picking up way too many inclusive stats on a daily basis. When the video is analysed by a human being (after automated license plate blurring etc) it is amazing to see how many cyclists go straight through red lights, jump up on to pavements to skip a red light, cycle through groups of pedestrians or cycle up the side of traffic to a red light but then stop with the front end of their bicylce in front of the queue of vehicles as though they think they can out-accelerate a car when the light changes.


Yes there are careful cyclists but I would hazard a guess these days that they are in the minority in the same way it is going for careful car drivers.


As for personal experience for the cyclist that banged your fist on my car roof in Woodseats yesterday morning WHEN YOU JUMPED A RED LIGHT and I beeped at you, you have left a 1" scratch in my paintwork that won't T-Cut out...... not impressed.


Just in case anybody is interested the research project, I'm afraid that due to various privacy controls it is unlikely any of the videos will make it into the public domain but if they do I will post a link to them.


I'll probably get hassled for it on here but car drivers be aware too. It may seem insignificant to you when you're driving but tailgating somebody, switching lanes without signalling, driving at severely excessive speeds and cutting folks up on traffic islands causes a lot of disruption and danger for other road users, whether vehical, pedestrian or cyclist.

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Some of your post I agree with. But why would you think the cyclist at the front of the queue has to out accelerate the cars. They don't. The cars have to safely overtake when it's safe to do so.


I disagree that safe cyclists are in a minority, but feel free to share all your video so we can look at the evidence to dispute it.


A fist left a scratch, impressively hard skin!


Oh, I've just seen that you won't be sharing the video, how convenient that it's impossible for anyone to view your 'evidence'.

What privacy issues stop you publishing video that is taken in a public place?

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Some of your post I agree with. But why would you think the cyclist at the front of the queue has to out accelerate the cars. They don't. The cars have to safely overtake when it's safe to do so.


I disagree that safe cyclists are in a minority, but feel free to share all your video so we can look at the evidence to dispute it.


A fist left a scratch, impressively hard skin!


Oh, I've just seen that you won't be sharing the video, how convenient that it's impossible for anyone to view your 'evidence'.

What privacy issues stop you publishing video that is taken in a public place?

Great attitude to take. Firstly, read my post again. I don't presume the cyclists have got to out-accelerate a car, I'm stating that cyclists regularly get to the front of the queue and then put the front end of their cycles in front of the traffic giving cars limited opportunity to overtake safely when the lights change. They have to wait for the cyclist to move out of the way.


Secondly, I'm guessing it was a wedding ring or something, regardless, the cyclist jumped a red light with pedestrians on a crossing and he had absolutely no right on earth to touch my car whether it left a scratch or not. That just highlights your attitude and other cyclists towards other vehicles.


Thirdly, I collect the video as do four other vehicles that I am aware of in Sheffield. I get to see the video I have collected and not anybody elses. It is collected for a research group in an organisation who release the statistics back to people in the group. I'm sure I could probably get to see the other videos as well but I am not responsible for handling the video data or whether it gets released to the public domain. I accepted the offer of having the cameras fitted to my vehicle because I got sick of car drivers attitudes and bad driving habits, plus being the the close friend of an accident victim who is no longer with us thanks to a driver who thought he could squeeze through a light changing to red.


Given your response it's now starting to become clear why there is animosity towards cyclists. I used to be one, cycled Burncross to City Centre daily but gave up when the rest of the cyclists didn't bother with the rules and I got included with the bad reputation.

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To the cyclist in a green hi-viz top going down Abbeydale Road/London Road this morning between 8.00 and 8.20am.


You went through the lights on red at Abbeydale Road/Woodseats Road.

You went through the lights on red at Abbeydale Road/London Road.

You (unbelievably) went through the lights on red at London Road/St Mary Gate.


If I could have caught you I would have said something, but, unfortunately, I stop at red lights on my cycle. What is so important that you risk your life 3 times in 10 minutes?


You, Sir, are an idiot!



Edited by Vasquez Rich
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Great attitude to take. Firstly, read my post again. I don't presume the cyclists have got to out-accelerate a car, I'm stating that cyclists regularly get to the front of the queue and then put the front end of their cycles in front of the traffic giving cars limited opportunity to overtake safely when the lights change. They have to wait for the cyclist to move out of the way.


I'm more sympathetic than Hicksy is when it comes to an idiot scratching your car - that is uncondonable, but again, why do you feel the behaviour you describe in the paragraph above is wrong? That's not giving cars limited opportunity to overtake safely, it's limiting them to only overtake safely (or as much as it is possibly to limit that). It's not at all unknown for cyclists who are alongside traffic at lights to be cut up by drivers turning left, who haven't indicated; it's not at all unknown for drivers to squeeze through when there is not space, rather than follow Highway Code rule 163 (and if the behaviour you describe is stopping them from overtaking, then the motorist is not following rule 163); and it's not at all unknown for motorists to ignore ASLs, which are designed in order to facilitate the very behaviour you describe.


---------- Post added 21-07-2015 at 13:43 ----------


If you have never cycled that way and never checked, why did you feel the need to post about it?


He made clear in the post concerned that he wasn't certain. Are you really that spiteful that you feel the need to continue to berate people as if it sometimes proves your argument, simply because they expressed an opinion that turned out to be wrong, about a piece of road that they don't cycle on. It's not as if because Cyclone thought that it might be shared use, that therefore they're an unmitigated pavement-cycler?


Jeez, if we kept on like this every time you posted something wrong, then this thread would be much longer than 73 pages.

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