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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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I am glad that someone else pointed out that your use of the horn might have broken highway code...

Sounds like cyclist was being a right one though. How is your camera project funded and who is running it? Sounds interesting, is it linked to TRL?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Seriously??? You had to respond to me like that? A cyclist goes through a crossing, on a red light, with pedestrians on it, scratches my car because I made him aware of his own actions and you have to try and belittle me with a response that bears no relation to what I've said in any of these posts.


I've made no pro-car, eco-bashing comments whatsover. If you're going to try bullying people online and try to make them look like the mean person they are not then at least read their posts properly first. Again, another indication of cyclists attitudes.


As for the eco-thing. I've just spent 8 years in the jungle in South America making my contribution to increasing the clean air you are breathing, don't give me stats and lectures on ecology.


All hail adamskiec, saviour to the human race. You're coming across a tad sanctimonious and a bit of a vain cryarse

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As for the eco-thing. I've just spent 8 years in the jungle in South America making my contribution to increasing the clean air you are breathing, don't give me stats and lectures on ecology.


How did you get to and from South America. ..by plane? I wonder if your 8 years were carbon neutral:)

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Speaking of cameras, fortunately I own my own and so I am free to publish the video. And I've now (after a bit of experimentation) learnt how to inset the rear view within the forward view, gives a nice view of cars overtaking.


So, my commute home today.


Firstly, there's the pedestrian stepping out in front of me as I do about 20mph down hill.

I shouted, he ran out of the way. Luckily I was watching him and realised what he was going to do.

Then at the traffic lights, see the silver SUV that has at least run a yellow when it could have stopped, but given that I actually have a green before he clears the lights to the left, he probably ran the red.

But the one that really pee'd me off, and that is directly related to adam's comments about positioning at the traffic lights is the driver of the silver blue Insignia. He was within inches me as he passed. He then appears 20 seconds later close to another cyclist. And then, he's just a few seconds in front of me, for all his dangerous overtaking when he turns right.

For reference I included the best overtake on the commute by the blue audi A4.

And you can even see the not a cycle lane on Infirmary Rd, despite it looking a lot like a cycle lane.


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Great attitude to take. Firstly, read my post again. I don't presume the cyclists have got to out-accelerate a car, I'm stating that cyclists regularly get to the front of the queue and then put the front end of their cycles in front of the traffic giving cars limited opportunity to overtake safely when the lights change. They have to wait for the cyclist to move out of the way.


Secondly, I'm guessing it was a wedding ring or something, regardless, the cyclist jumped a red light with pedestrians on a crossing and he had absolutely no right on earth to touch my car whether it left a scratch or not. That just highlights your attitude and other cyclists towards other vehicles.


Thirdly, I collect the video as do four other vehicles that I am aware of in Sheffield. I get to see the video I have collected and not anybody elses. It is collected for a research group in an organisation who release the statistics back to people in the group. I'm sure I could probably get to see the other videos as well but I am not responsible for handling the video data or whether it gets released to the public domain. I accepted the offer of having the cameras fitted to my vehicle because I got sick of car drivers attitudes and bad driving habits, plus being the the close friend of an accident victim who is no longer with us thanks to a driver who thought he could squeeze through a light changing to red.


Given your response it's now starting to become clear why there is animosity towards cyclists. I used to be one, cycled Burncross to City Centre daily but gave up when the rest of the cyclists didn't bother with the rules and I got included with the bad reputation.


It's a shame we can't watch this video. I'm wondering how the cyclist got close enough to bang on your car roof. Did he deliberately ride closer to you? Because if it was while you were overtaking, you were far too close.

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The correct minced oath is "Flipping Heck" and being a euphemism for the other "F-word" should be considered masked swearing and not allowed on this forum.


It would seem I was right.


Given that, it's a good job I didn't use the "correct minced oath" (unlike you). But I take your point and will refrain from using the particular word I used in future, just in case people come to the conclusion that I'm using a euphemism for a euphemism for a euphemism. ;)

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I guess that overtake is so common place that nobody even has a comment. Just another cyclists life at risk due to dangerous driving, nothing to say...


(And I spent ages figuring out how to do the inset rear video).

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