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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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ive seen a lot of angry cyclists. But then again its a much more insecure position so they are bound to be more aggressive.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 13:06 ----------



you tend to get more righteous on two wheels...the UK is just not setup for road / town cycling unlike other cycle friendly countries like holland.


I see a lot of cyclists out in the peaks...not sure if its any safer.


I feel a lot safer cycling in town than I do in the country, as the differential speeds are less and the cyclist can be more a part of the traffic flow, and not just a (comparatively) slow obstacle.

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To whichever numpty was riding their bike up Rivelin Bank in the rush hour:


From one cyclist to another- you're a d*@k!


You had a queue of five or six cars behind you, unable to overtake, with nowhere for you to pull in safely. A quick check on an ordnance survey map shows that short stretch of road crossing six contour lines; there's a clue in there.


There's the much quieter Racker Way (OK you have to carry your bike over some steps near the bottom).Or the much wider Walkley Road where vehicles can overtake safely.


I was cross reading the previous poster talk about the 'arrogance' of commuter and road cyclists; I don't see that applying to me. However, you personify the kind of arrogance and stupidity that gets all cyclists an undeserved bad name.


And yet, the world was still here in the morning

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http://www.ctc.org.uk/resources/ctc-cycling-statistics#How many people cycle and how often?


Check out 18 and 19. Not cycling is more risky than cycling, in terms of your overall health.


the health benefits of cycling in general are great...and if you take an overall look, the chances are you maybe wont have a bad accident, the question for me is:


is cycling on the road safer than walking on the pavement?


and walking or running certainly doesnt carry this risk:


One cyclist is killed on Britain’s roads for every 27 million miles travelled by cycle;

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How risky is cycling when compared to other forms of transport?


Per mile, cyclists are as likely as pedestrians to be killed on the roads. Cycling and walking, however, are both more risky than car driving, although motorcycling is the most risky kind of transport of all – 3.5 times more so than walking or cycling:

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Competent vehicle drivers accept that there are other idiotic car drivers out there.


Competent cyclists DON'T accept that there are other idiotic cyclists out there.


So are you suggesting that I, and many other cyclists on this thread are incompetent because we do accept there are idiotic cyclists about? That's a very strange way of judging competence.


Road/ commuter cyclists have an arrogance that seems to stem from them thinking they are better than vehicle drivers, and that they seem to be immune from prosecution for bad practice due to having no registration. If a driver runs a red light or goes the wrong way down a one way street, he will be captured on film and fined. If a cyclists does the same, they wont.


This is where your generalisations show you up. I - and many other cyclists - make a point of not running red lights, going the wrong way down one-way streets etc. despite knowing that if we weren't to do so, we wouldn't get caught. I do it because a) those rules are there for safety, b) I understand that the sight of people flagrantly disobeying the law fosters resentment, c) I quite like obeying the law.


You imply that your beef is that unlike me, you'd love to run red lights and go against the flow of traffic but are jealous of the fact that unlike cyclists you wouldn't get away with it.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 13:34 ----------


I cycle frequently and drive a car.I totally agree about SOME cyclists.The thing that irritates me most is cyclists riding 2 or more abreast in the countryside slowing everybody else down.


The thing that irritates me is impatient people.

Edited by mattleonard
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To answer the question posed, I think this is a good example. Ignorange mixed with entitlement and bloody-mindedness.


Cyclist making progress, not hogging the road, possibly even further left than Cyclecraft / Bikeability might recommend, but focal lengths are sometimes tricky...


Cyclist is keeping pace with / gaining on the van in front, signals to turn, waits until it is clear (couple of seconds!!) and turns


Not saying I thing chasing after and confronting people is ever a good thing but the response that "you didn't pull in to the left in order to turn right after I'd passed" is a prime example of the nonsense reasons for animosity.


I can quite picture the woman bringing this up in conversation with a pack of friends barking and nodding like performing seals about how out of order the cyclist was, wobbling in the middle of the road





This video sums this thread up perfectly.

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