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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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on the other side opp h samuels...its against the flow of traffic.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 14:52 ----------


the cyclist was furious that I'd stepped into the road.


Do you mean Barkers Pool, between Barclays Bank and HL Browns?


In which case the one way (for motor vehicles) is down the hill towards the Town Hall and Leopold Street, with a cycle lane travelling up (with Barclays Bank on the cyclist's left).

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Cyclone I'm sorry but I'm not blind but I do see a high percentage of commuting cyclists disobey traffic lights ( majority) I appreciate you do obey red lights etc but I can only comment on what I experience and that is over the last 27 years as a professional driver on the roads of Sheffield.i have on my license catorgory for car/ motorcycles/ pcv

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Cyclone I'm sorry but I'm not blind but I do see a high percentage of commuting cyclists disobey traffic lights ( majority) I appreciate you do obey red lights etc but I can only comment on what I experience and that is over the last 27 years as a professional driver on the roads of Sheffield.i have on my license catorgory for car/ motorcycles/ pcv


Quantify this majority please.

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Am I reading this right - It's arrogant and stupid to want to ride up a hill?


I often cycle up Hagg Hill on my commute. I don't think I'm arrogant or stupid. Sometimes cars have to wait behind me for a few seconds. Life goes on.


In bold... You must be able to crack open nuts with your legs :hihi:;).


This is a reason i avoid Hagg Hill - My poor little car (small engine) wouldnt make it up the hill if i was behind a cyclist or had to slow down in anyway :blush:


i think the car would really really struggle if i had to travel slowly up Hagg Hill. Its bad enough trying to get up Stannington Road :blush:

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I run up it sometimes, cars have to either wait or overtake safely.


you run up hagg hill? :surprised


Fair play :clap::clap::smile:


I think if i had a car with a better engine i might consider going up there if i needed too but with current car - it would cause more issues than its worth. :)

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So vehicle users of all kinds should plan routes that aren't the most convenient for themselves, but are instead the most convenient for other people, or specifically you?


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 15:13 ----------



Not less convenient for themselves, no. In this case I fail to see why they would pick Rivelin Bank when other routes are available. I refuse to accept that it was the most convenient route for them. Look at a map:




It crosses five contour lines in about 200m. I would say going a different route would be more convenient for all concerned.


If hill climbing time trials are your bag, there are quieter routes and quieter times of day available.


I genuinely think they may have been doing it on purpose to wind people up.

Edited by hicksy3
spelling error
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Cyclone I'm sorry but I'm not blind but I do see a high percentage of commuting cyclists disobey traffic lights ( majority) I appreciate you do obey red lights etc but I can only comment on what I experience and that is over the last 27 years as a professional driver on the roads of Sheffield.i have on my license catorgory for car/ motorcycles/ pcv


Certainly not my experience. My regular commutes (in terms of traffic lights) takes me from Malin Bridge , through Hillsborough corner and northbound on the A61 to near Junction 36 of the M1.


I also regularly use Fulwood Rd, past the University, down Netherthorpe Road and out on Penistone Road.


Typical return is Penistone Road, Netherthorpe Road, Hanover Way, Ecclesall Road, Somerfield St (I think) towards Nether Edge and Heeley, and later via Nether Edge and Hunters Bar.


I've done these runs for about 15 years. I only recall one junction where a cyclist has actually run the red light, and that's near the tram terminus at Malin Bridge. I've seen it there a few times (maybe the same cyclist each time). The lights are a long way back from the junction (opposite Towsure, I don't know the name of the road). My guess is that he can see whether any tram or car is emerging from the tram stop area, and he is well clear of the actual junction. Also, it makes it easier for him to cross the tram tracks at a steep angle if he can do it in the knowledge that there are no cars up his tail. maybe he thinks it is safer to do this than wait until the lights are green - I don't know, I've never ridden that junction on a bike. i'm just guessing. I'm not condoning him doing it. However, he has done it in front of me more than once, and it causes me no problem whatsoever. In fact as he is well ahead by the time I set off, he's out of my way.


At all the traffic lights on the routes I've mentioned, I don't think I have ever seen any cyclist jumping a red light (with the possible exception of at pedestrian crossings on Penistone Road, I'm not sure - I may not have even noticed) But I would have noticed at road junctions as I would have been concerned at the cyclist's safety, and I don't ever recall being.


I have seen a few mount the kerb and cross as if they were pedestrians (some dismounting, but mostly not), to pass the junction.


But overall, I'd say that in my experience, the majority of cyclists I see obey red lights.


I always obey red lights. I recall dismounting and walking across a junction (at a very quiet time, early morning, when my bike wouldn't trigger the lights to change and there was no other traffic arriving to do it for me).


It does bother me when other cyclists do jump red lights, insofar as it gives all cyclists a bad name and gives the haters a stick with which to beat all cyclists. However, it doesn't worry me, in principle, from a safety point of view. It is up to them to behave in a safe and courteous manner. If someone goes on the pavement to circumvent a junction, then provided he doesn't inconvenience any pedestrians, he is actually likely to make my (car) journey easier as he will be on his way before I get through the junction, so I don't have to wait for him to set off, and I can plan my subsequent overtake (if there is going to be one) in the knowledge that he is up to speed and less likely to wobble as he sets off. Ditto in the case of the cyclist(s) I see at Malin Bridge - provided he doesn't try and pass the junction when cars are emerging.



Going back to the thread title. I wonder if some of the cause of the obvious animosity is the recent prevalence of the advanced stop line at traffic lights. Now that cyclists can get to the front of the queue and into a safer position, their prominence is forcing drivers to take account of them, so they are seen as a hindrance. Whereas previously some drivers barely knew of the cyclist's existence, as they were out of sight and out of mind. Cyclists are now seen as having an advantage, and some car drivers resent this.


It's not uncommon for me to pass a cyclist on Ecclesall Road, only for them to pass me as I queue up Summerfield Street. I then pass them again on Washington Road (after they've set off in front of me and others at the lights as we cross Cemetery Road). They then pass again as they go to the front of the queue at the lights crossing Sharrow Lane, before being passed on Wostenholm Road. It's fine with me, but I wonder if some drivers are annoyed by this.


Edit. Prior to the introductions of ASLs, in busy traffic, cyclists either had to occupy the primary position, and be part of the queue of traffic, or choose the left hand filter and risk being squeezed by traffic driving at the side of them as the queue of traffic moves, leaving them little room. Now that there are ASLs, cyclists are able to filter to a safe position.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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