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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Why is using a contraflow cycle lane "unexpected". This is a two way road (which is pretty normal). All that is different is that one of the directions is restricted to cycles. It is also very well marked.


Yes, all road users should be aware and try to look out for other people making mistakes, but at the end of the day it is up to the person crossing to check both ways, especially on a two way road, which this is.


As I asked earlier, what would ubermaus have done if it were a contraflow bus lane?


I watched a documentary the other night about driving old cars. It had archive audio of someone from the 1950s saying "Regard everyone else on the road as mentally defective, and every pedestrian as a suicidal lunatic" or words to that effect.


This situation illustrates why. If you're not a cyclist yourself (>95% of Sheffield people) you won't know there's a contraflow cycle lane there. Thus a bike appearing from somewhere you least expect it is unexpected to most people. Be aware of that, ring your bell (mine's worn out!) as lots of pedestrians aren't used to sharing space with cycles.


Someone looks like stepping out of that bit in front of me nearly every time I go along it. I ring my bell before they do, rather than swear at them afterwards, which is not going to do anyone any good at all.

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She should have rung her bell when she saw you about to step out. She's doing something (legal) that is unexpected (Using a contraflow cycle lane, that people don't know is there). It's inexperience and bad manners on her part.


Maybe she didn't have a bell. I don't, and have never thought "I wish I had a bell".


I've also never taken a different route so as not to inconvenience someone in a car....


It's neither inexperience nor bad manners, nor in fact anything on her part. She was carrying on with her lawful business.

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She should have rung her bell when she saw you about to step out. She's doing something (legal) that is unexpected (Using a contraflow cycle lane, that people don't know is there). It's inexperience and bad manners on her part.



You don't think the big arrows on the floor indicating direction would be a give away to anyone with eyes?


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 15:54 ----------


Point is it was a one way street,

No, it's not.

so i was looking for traffic. But some cyclists are up their own arse and not civil.

You nearly caused an accident, I wouldn't be civil either.

What would have happened if id have reacted angrily back and swore at her? Maybe next time i will.

Maybe next time she'll run into you because she'll be too close when you step out into the road without looking.


I was looking left, cyclist came from right.

Cars coming down one way, cyclist going up. I know its difficult to grasp that concept.


It's not difficult though is it. And if you had grasped it quicker then you presumably wouldn't have stepped out in front of her.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 15:57 ----------




Pedestrians shouldn't (and don't) have to take a "walking test" and may not be aware of contra-flows and the rules. I always expect pedestrians to step out without looking and ride accordingly on them*. In the centre of town such lanes should be used with extra care


*the lane, not the pedestrian!


Bloody pedestrians, don't pay road tax, they should have to get insurance and pass a test to be on the public street. And they all need a license number to be clearly visible, otherwise they can just walk away with impunity!


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 15:59 ----------


No she darn nearly ran me over..


Is it really likely that she would somehow cycle over you?


Or is it more likely that you would be hit by a bike and she would fall off? Perhaps you would also fall over, but either way it would be your fault.

Edited by Cyclone
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Maybe she didn't have a bell. I don't, and have never thought "I wish I had a bell".


I've also never taken a different route so as not to inconvenience someone in a car....


It's neither inexperience nor bad manners, nor in fact anything on her part. She was carrying on with her lawful business.


Cycles sold since about 2004 have legally had to have had bells. I do not know how anyone does without one; people step out all the time as you can't hear a bike like you can a car.


Some people are partially sighted and cycles are particularly tricky to spot.


Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists? I wonder....

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I have an air horn instead, but it's broken right now :-(


I want one of those bad boys!


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 16:12 ----------


people don't know it's there?! Is it an invisible cycle lane? Maybe that's the council's new plan for encouraging cycling - by installing cycle lanes on all Sheffield roads, albeit invisible ones.


I sincerely hope, with your attitude that you don't also have a driving licence.

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I sincerely hope, with your attitude that you don't also have a driving licence.


Excuse me? I have an "attitude" because I think claims that "it's unexpected" and "they don't know it's there" make absolutely no sense when there's a thick white line and a picture of a bike painted on the road?!


Is it equally unexpected that there's a road there at all?

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Don't forget the arrows making it quite clear which way the bikes are going to be travelling.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 16:35 ----------


I want one of those bad boys!



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Excuse me? I have an "attitude" because I think claims that "it's unexpected" and "they don't know it's there" make absolutely no sense when there's a thick white line and a picture of a bike painted on the road?!


Is it equally unexpected that there's a road there at all?


Yes you do have an attitude. A very sarcastic one for a start. And also a very dangerous one if you expect every other road user is going to obey all the rules all the time.


When you're on a bike, you're smaller and quieter than other traffic. You can't be seen or heard as well as a motor vehicle. Very few people ride bikes, so it is surprising and unexpected, possibly even threatening for them when someone else does. Obviously, it's not surprising and unexpected for you.


Unfortunately the reality of the situation is that many people genuinely struggle to grasp the concept of a contraflow cycle lane, and so you have to make allowances for them.


This cycle lane is well marked (to you or me as we're cyclists), but some people don't know or don't care what those funny signs and symbols mean.


Everyone has to try and share road and path space. A 'get out of my way, it's my cycle path!' attitude will not win you friends.

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