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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Where did i say that then. Look, you need to stop making things up and putting words in others mouths. I bet you dont do it when your on the open road. I bet you arent so high and mighty, holier than thou when face to face with a 6 foot builder built like a privvie door who youve annoyed by your antics then tried to beat into submission with pedantry and pointless argument after pointless argument lol


If you refuse to offer proof in a discussion the only assumption we can make is that you have no proof.

I still think that's the case since you're still not offering any.


I'd be quite happy to video someone attempting to assault me.

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Or are you just happy to have ammo for your anti cyclist crusade without really thinking about it?


My anti-cycle crusade?? Lets look at what I have objected to in the past concerning cycl;ists shall we


1 Cyclists who ride through red lights at junctions

2 Cyclists who ride through red lights on pedestrian crossings, particulalrly when there are people crossing

3 Cyclists who ride aggresively and dangerously on pavements


Whilst admitting I have allowed myself to generalise a little more than I would like to on point 3 it is still valid.


So, which of the above 3 points do you think is OK and acceptable for cyclists to do? You must support the cyclist in at least one of those points otherwise you too would have to be accused of having an anti-cyclist crusade also.


I used to ride a cycle regularly which unfortunatley I cannot do as often as I would like now, but I never partook of any of those points above. But still, if that makes me anti-cyclist then guilty as charged m'lord

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My anti-cycle crusade?? Lets look at what I have objected to in the past concerning cycl;ists shall we


1 Cyclists who ride through red lights at junctions

2 Cyclists who ride through red lights on pedestrian crossings, particulalrly when there are people crossing

3 Cyclists who ride aggresively and dangerously on pavements


Whilst admitting I have allowed myself to generalise a little more than I would like to on point 3 it is still valid.


So, which of the above 3 points do you think is OK and acceptable for cyclists to do? You must support the cyclist in at least one of those points otherwise you too would have to be accused of having an anti-cyclist crusade also.


I used to ride a cycle regularly which unfortunatley I cannot do as often as I would like now, but I never partook of any of those points above. But still, if that makes me anti-cyclist then guilty as charged m'lord


The issue is that, as you recognise, point 3 above is not consistent with your earlier blanket statement that " Im sure that every cyclist who uses the pavement think its safe for ME but not whether its safe for OTHERS. Assuming of course, that they actually care". It's hardly am anti-cycling crusade though...Cyclone could start an argument in an empty room after all.

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My anti-cycle crusade?? Lets look at what I have objected to in the past concerning cycl;ists shall we


1 Cyclists who ride through red lights at junctions

2 Cyclists who ride through red lights on pedestrian crossings, particulalrly when there are people crossing

3 Cyclists who ride aggresively and dangerously on pavements


Whilst admitting I have allowed myself to generalise a little more than I would like to on point 3 it is still valid.


So, which of the above 3 points do you think is OK and acceptable for cyclists to do? You must support the cyclist in at least one of those points otherwise you too would have to be accused of having an anti-cyclist crusade also.


I used to ride a cycle regularly which unfortunatley I cannot do as often as I would like now, but I never partook of any of those points above. But still, if that makes me anti-cyclist then guilty as charged m'lord


You're question to me is akin to asking you when you stopped beating your wife.


And my problem wasn't with you objecting to any of 1 - 3, they're all behaviours that should be stopped. It was your massive generalisation.

You accused all cyclists who ever use the pavement of doing so without concern for anyone else's safety.


---------- Post added 22-05-2015 at 09:03 ----------


Anyone who thinks that cycling on the pavement is acceptable and that they can do it in a safe manner need to take a look at this link from the Daily Mail today.


The fact is that it's clearly possible to use the pavement in a safe manner. Simply by going no faster than a person jogging would be going.

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So it would be okay to drive on the pavement too if you only go at jogging pace?


How do you get your car into your drive? Do you teleport it across the pavement or drive?


Obviously cars don't fit onto the pavement in the general sense, and you wouldn't ever travel in a car at 6 or 7 mph for more than a few metres. So it makes little sense to talk about driving the car on the pavement. Unlike bikes, which can easily be ridden at a normal walking pace and fit quite happily on the pavement.

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It was your massive generalisation.

You accused all cyclists who ever use the pavement of doing so without concern for anyone else's safety.


I thought that massive generalisation was acceptable on the forum, after all look at all the EVERY motorist speeds because I have seen one do it claims that abound :D


---------- Post added 22-05-2015 at 09:45 ----------


So it would be okay to drive on the pavement too if you only go at jogging pace?


How the hell is THAT acceptable???


BTW that is as much against the law as cycling on the pavements is, although no doubt a couple of politicians after the motorist vote will claim you can as long as its safe to :)

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I don't think it's a generalisation to claim that every motorist speeds. Not all the time obviously, but I've never met a single driver who doesn't break the limit periodically, most will admit it if they're being honest. I've known a few who deny it strenuously, then one day you get a lift from them and point out that they're doing 35 in a 30 zone, and they never argue about it again.

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I thought that massive generalisation was acceptable on the forum, after all look at all the EVERY motorist speeds because I have seen one do it claims that abound :D


I think it's a bigger stretch to claim that you or anyone else has only ever seen one motorist speed.

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I'd be quite happy to video someone attempting to assault me.


What if they then took your camera so you had no proof. Would you be happy then? I think not.

Edited by Timeh
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