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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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I don't think that the question in the thread title can be answered, until we have worked out why people who wouldn't normally say "boo" to each other, let alone a goose, turn into ranting maniacs towards each other from within the confines of a car


You buy a car you're sold a pup. Just about every car advert going has cars whizzing round empty mountain roads. You part with more money than for any purchase other than a house to buy into this dream. Sadly that's exactly what it is- a dream. Reality of driving is sitting stuck in traffic most of time. People are jarred off as they pay a lot of money to do that. Nothing like their expectations so they turn very angry.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I don't think that's the cause. I've never bought a car based on an advert, a car's not a fun or aspirational purchase for me - it's a means to an end. I buy a car to enable me to get to work and to drive myself and the family around, to get places not to enjoy the leisure of driving. The frustration comes from that necessity - if I'm late for work I probably have to work harder or later, if I'm late back then I lose a chunk of my evening so I want to keep that driving time as low as possible. If I'm stuck on the M1 or behind some idiot going half the speed limit ("it's a maximum, not a target" oh just shut up), I get wound up as I'm focused on the consequences of a situation beyond my control. Or I try to take control of the situation which can mean some dubious driving practices. In my experience that's more likely the reason drivers get wound up, not because we all thought it would be like zooming around the Pyrenees. Personally I don't mind cars, bikes or motorbikes as long as they don't hold me up. It's all about getting from A to B.

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Something I've noticed car drivers doing to other car drivers - when a driver slows down and indicates to turn off at a junction, or stops to wait for the other lane of traffic to clear. A faster car approaches from behind and instead of slowing a bit, waiting a second or two for the turning car to go, and/or overtaking, they speed up, swerve round them, sounding their horn as they go. How dare somebody prevent them from travelling at the maximum by turning left/right! I think that road users in general but car drivers in particular have been programmed to think that speed is always of the essence. That if they don't travel at the fastest they can manage, something important in life will be forever lost. But actually, it won't.

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You dont need me to explain why its complete and utter tosh. Its self evident, Read it back a few times till the penny drops.


Your entitled to your opinion. Even when you are wrong but don't worry about it. I'll smile just to make your day. ?

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