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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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The vid clip isn't funny, but as a cyclist myself I TOTALLY disagree with the poster saying he is a victim…. he is a victim only of his own lack of attention


Flippineck. Flanker7's saying exactly the same thing - you're just both quibbling over semantics. He's obviously saying that the cyclist is the "victim" because he's the one who got hurt. I'm pretty sure he's not suggesting that it wasn't the cyclist's fault. No wonder it's so difficult to have a reasonable conversation.


Having said all that, I hate the cyclist/driver antagonism and think it detracts from the more serious considerate/inconsiderate road-user tension, but you have to say, assuming the cyclist there was OK (which I'm guessing he was, seeing as someone involved in the accident uploaded it to Facebook as a "funny"), it is pretty funny.


And actually, the fact that in this case it was funny is a very good thing. The accident didn't make the news but it still made lots of people's Facebook newsfeeds because it is genuinely quite a funny scenario. Hopefully lots of other cyclists will see it, have a good laugh, and then decided that they'll pay some proper attention if they use Strava etc., or else just not use them at all.

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Its on its way..........


"All scooters will have to be registered with the local council and carry an inscription number identifying the rental firm and client"




Have you lost leave of your senses young man? That link's for motor scooters in Benidorm! :roll:

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Along with pedestrians, skateboarders, rollerskaters and those who use disability-scooters should pay even more.


Because Pedestrians, Skateboarders, Rollerskaters dont demand cycle lanes.


Cyclists use the road safety system like everyone else. They benefit from traffic safety and road improvements.


If you like to ride a cycle to work why would you be opposed to paying £7 per year? :huh:

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Because Pedestrians, Skateboarders, Rollerskaters dont demand cycle lanes.


Cyclists use the road safety system like everyone else. They benefit from traffic safety and road improvements.


If you like to ride a cycle to work why would you be opposed to paying £7 per year? :huh:


Why £7?????

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