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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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I also think that cyclists should have to take the official driving theory test & CBT!


And anyone that rides a scooter under 125cc should take the official driving theory test too. Seems ridiculous that they can take the CBT without it.


Many cyclist already have a drivers licence. If you are upset that many irresponsible kids are cycling on the roads your suggestion is understandable but unlikely to make a big difference.


Why are you so angry at cyclists? It sounds like you hate them.

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Many cyclist already have a drivers licence. If you are upset that many irresponsible kids are cycling on the roads your suggestion is understandable but unlikely to make a big difference.


Why are you so angry at cyclists? It sounds like you hate them.


I dont hate cyclists but im starting to dislike the attitude of the ones that have contributed to this post.


A cyclist who commutes to and from work (especially in london) should have.........


  • The basic road riding skills like a CBT test.
  • The standard knowledge in road signs, overtaking, signalling, stopping distances etc road theory test
  • Riders insurance.
  • Pay a small fee/tax/permit towards a road system they clearly use.
  • Bike registration against traffic violations & crime prevention.


It clearly makes sense.......anything that will help reduce the number that are getting hit by buses

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Jeez, we need to explain this again?


Well established that the more cyclists there are on the road, the safer all cyclists are. (Postulated that this is because motorists become more used to them).


Raise barriers to cycling (compulsory helmets, bike MOTs, competence testing) and you get less cyclists.


Less cyclists = greater danger.


Even though the competance of the cyclist may be suspect? So its better to have a large number of incompetant cyclists without helmets and unsafe cycles than a smaller numer of cyclists that know what they are doing riding safe cycles in a safe manner? :huh:


Sorry, no matter how many times you "explain" that it still doesnt make sense. Still Im sure YOU know what you are thinking and your reasoning

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I dont hate cyclists but im starting to dislike the attitude of the ones that have contributed to this post.


A cyclist who commutes to and from work (especially in london) should have.........


  • The basic road riding skills like a CBT test.
  • The standard knowledge in road signs, overtaking, signalling, stopping distances etc road theory test
  • Riders insurance.
  • Pay a small fee/tax/permit towards a road system they clearly use.
  • Bike registration against traffic violations & crime prevention.


It clearly makes sense.......anything that will help reduce the number that are getting hit by buses


If you mean that cyclists should be responsible you are right.

But responsibility is not achieved by tests. I know the rules and I cycle really bad, why should I care? especially when a driver has little respect for the cyclist.

Most cyclists in holland have insurance, cannot argue that.


Once again, there is no such thing as road tax, it has been gone since 1930's. Even an electric car rides as free as a bicycle.


Registration will not identify the rider, anyone could be riding that bike that belongs to such or so.


Did you see that cool video on youtube yesterday of 100 Londoners lifting up a bus to get it of a cyclist?

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I know the rules and I cycle really bad, why should I care? especially when a driver has little respect for the cyclist.


But you SHOULD care because eventually your bad cycling and a motorist who doesnt care are going to coincide and YOU will be the one who comes off worse :( Like it or not, whether you are right or not does not help when you are in hospital or a grave. You need to be careful, competant and obey the rules of the road. Using the excuse that drivers break the rules so why shouldnt cyclists is no excuse or protection from harm

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In the relative short time I've properly lived in Sheffield, I've witnessed a disproportionate amount of abuse and aggressive deliberate dangerous driving from motorists towards cyclists. As a motorist only I find this extremely shocking and wondered where all this animosity comes from, and why anyone even bothers to commute by bicycle in Sheffield?


motorist would be less agitated with cyclists if they were more compliant with the highway code because this also applies to them.

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But you SHOULD care because eventually your bad cycling and a motorist who doesnt care are going to coincide and YOU will be the one who comes off worse :( Like it or not, whether you are right or not does not help when you are in hospital or a grave. You need to be careful, competant and obey the rules of the road. Using the excuse that drivers break the rules so why shouldnt cyclists is no excuse or protection from harm


Don't worry, it all depends on what you call bad, does not need to dangerous antisocial or irresponsible.

Rocketman is a rule control freak, in his eyes I will be very bad, others call me good.

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