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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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motorist would be less agitated with cyclists if they were more compliant with the highway code because this also applies to them.


Also one might say that


Cyclists would be less agitated with motorists if they were more compliant with the highway code because this also applies to them.

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But responsibility is not achieved by tests. I know the rules and I cycle really bad, why should I care? especially when a driver has little respect for the cyclist.?


The above statement is a contradiction of itself and the reasoning of a petulant teenager. :huh:


We have rules for people like you....to protect you from yourself.


Like "Dont use a hair-dryer in the shower" or "This hot apple pie is hot"

Edited by TheRocketMan
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There may be less animosity by motorist to cyclist if cyclist where in compliant with the highway code because this also applies to them.


Yet this thread has highlighted several times that when cyclists OBEY the rules, such as claiming the whole lane, especially with multiple cyclists side by side, that seems to cause the MOST animosity.


It seems the biggest cause of issues between cyclists and motorists, is that motorists simply do not KNOW the rules/guidelines of the Highway Code that cyclists are following, so assume they aren't.


If I filter to the front of standing traffic, or am stuck in the wrong lane at a roundabout because the traffic is moving too fast to let me switch lanes, never ONCE has a motorists allowed me to set off first. Its particularly problematic at roundabouts as they will assume you are going left or straight and then drive into you because THEY want to go straight or left.


Its clear motorists just view cyclists as a pain and its nothing to do with breaking the rules. Its usually not very busy when I go down East Bank Road. But there is ALWAYS some numpty who insists on overtaking me while I am free-wheeling down at 30MpH! They just HAVE to get in front of the nasty cyclist.

Edited by AlexAtkin
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I was only asking, because it seems to me that good deal of motorists do not seem to think that it does, or they may be ignorant of the highway code.


Maybe they need to be registered, so it would encourage them to drive better. Maybe they should be tested on the highway code, so they'll drive a bit better.

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Soon we won't have to drive anymore. Computer cars are coming and the problem of the driver getting confused by a cyclist will be sorted, the computer will do it better.


Cyclist will continue to stay in control of their vehicles.


2p a day. I give more than that to beggars, that would make these drivers begging for money from cyclists the lowest of the lowest out there.

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Its clear motorists just view cyclists as a pain and its nothing to do with breaking the rules. Its usually not very busy when I go down East Bank Road. But there is ALWAYS some numpty who insists on overtaking me while I am free-wheeling down at 30MpH! They just HAVE to get in front of the nasty cyclist.


Last ditch attempt to get ahead of the cyclist rather than be held up by them setting off from the lights!


It's clear from this thread what is similarly clear when driving on the roads, that is that some car drivers are ignorant and dangerous, and quite a lot of cyclists are pompous, self-righteous and think they're above the law. Hell, one particular example even has the time to make nearly 60,000 posts mainly while at work, in between gazing out of the window at nasty motorists - hope he's not public sector!

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