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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Didn't see anyone jump a red light this morning, but there was this;



---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 08:53 ----------



Re your last line, you mean like it is an offence to cycle on a footpath?


I wrote, footpath not shared footpath.


Nobody has disputed that, which is why the people posting don't do it...


Should I point out your hypocrisy as a motorist again, or have you got that one now?

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No I did not read earlier threads as I am commenting in THIS thread not those. Are you implying that one cannot ask a question or have a comment in a thread unless the have read EVERY other thread in the forum that may or may not impact on a particular thread first? Altus was very helpful in that he gave me the information that you were clearly not able to give me and I have noted the content.


Whether or not it was an instruction to the police is irrelevant as it did not constitute a change in the law so the police do not have to take notice of it. As you say a statement is just that and not a change in the law. The statement remains what it is, the opinion of 2 vote grabbing MPs who did not have the power or backing to change the law


I'm saying that I'm fed up of providing the same information over and over again. I've said it three times now, I don't see why you're struggling to understand what I'm saying.


The police report to the home secretary. They DO take notice of what they are instructed to do, the home secretary sets the national priorities for policing.

It was NOT an opinion, nor was it just from an MP, despite you wishing that this was the case.


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 08:56 ----------


I've cited personal experience and two recent surveys to back this up, and the best you can come up with is "you're wrong". Your arrogance is breathtaking.


Your surveys were shown to be nonsense, and you suffer from confirmation bias as an angry motorist.

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Get on a bike and then you might form an opinion worth listening to.

As a driver, cyclist and pedestrian myself I see a minority of cyclists run red lights. A higher proportion than cars, but at the same time mainly a danger to themselves, unlike the cars that do it.


Don't assume I don't cycle just because I use my car for commuting. I do occasionally cycle for leisure. Plus the opinion of a cyclist is no more or less valid than any other road user - again, breathtaking arrogance.


At least you admit proportionately more cyclists run red lights than motorists, but otherwise your unfriendly, condescending and self-righteous tone does you no favours.

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Didn't see anyone jump a red light this morning, but there was this;



---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 08:53 ----------



Nobody has disputed that, which is why the people posting don't do it...


Should I point out your hypocrisy as a motorist again, or have you got that one now?


What you could point out is where you read I was a motorist.


Your quite clearly taking your fitness regime too far, stop jumping.

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Your surveys were shown to be nonsense, and you suffer from confirmation bias as an angry motorist.


No, one survey was claimed to be of dubious independence, which I will accept, the other was by YouGov and cannot be readily dismissed just because you don't like the results.


Also, I'm not angry. Judging by the posts in this thread it seems there is far more animosity towards motorists from cyclists than vice versa.

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I have no problem with the vast majority of motorists. I'm a motorists, as are most cyclists. I have a problem with idiots who put me in danger, and unfortunately the opinions expressed on this thread suggest that such motorists are posting here.

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I'm saying that I'm fed up of providing the same information over and over again. I've said it three times now, I don't see why you're struggling to understand what I'm saying.


The police report to the home secretary. They DO take notice of what they are instructed to do, the home secretary sets the national priorities for policing.

It was NOT an opinion, nor was it just from an MP, despite you wishing that this was the case..


You did not produce the facts altus did, and I have thanked him it


On the other point


Has the law been changed ? NO


Can you still get a fixed penalty for breaking said law and riding on the pavement? YES


Despite what YOU would wish were the case :)


I dont understand why you have so much of a problem understanding such simple facts!!

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You did not produce the facts altus did, and I have thanked him it


On the other point


Has the law been changed ? NO


Can you still get a fixed penalty for breaking said law and riding on the pavement? YES


Despite what YOU would wish were the case :)

I'm perfectly happy with that since I don't wish to ride on the pavement.

I understand why some cyclists will though, when the alternative is a high chance of a motorist killing them.


You seem to be labouring under a misapprehension brought about by an attempt to read my mind instead of what I've written.

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The 'dismount and push' suggestion has certainly stirred things up. Some of the posters remind me of the arrogant drivers who think they are so skilled that they can 'safely' squeeze past cyclists in any circumstances just to gain a few seconds.


I would be happy to see better cycling infrastructure paid for from my taxes but, in the meantime, I resent having to jump out of the way of unskilled, arrogant cyclists on the pavements taking short-cuts on one-way streets and round red-lights or other obstacles. If the road is dangerous, just walk for a short distance and re-mount. Is this really so difficult to do?

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