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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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In the relative short time I've properly lived in Sheffield, I've witnessed a disproportionate amount of abuse and aggressive deliberate dangerous driving from motorists towards cyclists. As a motorist only I find this extremely shocking and wondered where all this animosity comes from, and why anyone even bothers to commute by bicycle in Sheffield?


I've no idea about animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield, but I'll tell you why I carry an animus against cyclists in Rotherham.


You cycle on the pavements.


---------- Post added 23-04-2015 at 14:47 ----------


Car users would be much more forgiving if those pesky cyclists actually paid road tax.


Given car users don't pay road tax either, that's hardly likely, is it?

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So people ,other than motorists,benefit from motorways..that's why the tax payer pays for them..
I didn't say they didn't - just that motorists benefit disproportionately.


Have I said that's the case? Have I said that I don't agree with cycle lanes? Why would I think that? I really don't know why you keep asking me..


Perhaps because you haven't actually answered the question.

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I didn't say they didn't - just that motorists benefit disproportionately.


Explain how, from what I've said above,I gain disproportionately..it makes very little difference to me whether I get to 2 sites a day or 4.. another thing..would you rather all the traffic that uses the motorways go through town instead?



Perhaps because you haven't actually answered the question.


If cyclists use the lanes provided then they are a good thing..

Edited by truman
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It is much used. It's also very valid- based on studies and actual stats.


It's a straightforward fact that more cyclists on the road = safer road conditions for cyclists. I'm not aware of any evidence that that effect is diminished if a portion of those cyclists are inexperienced. Even if there was, it would cease at the point those inexperienced cyclists, having been on the roads a while, became experienced.


Can't it? Why not? You got a shred of evidence that it can't?


Cos "increasing the number of cyclists on the road with ill-prepared novices" means more cyclists on the roads, and, according to the evidence, more cyclists on the roads = safer roads for cyclists. If you believe inexperience offsets that effect, then you'll be needing to provide some evidence of that.




Any barrier to cycling, whether it's compulsory helmets, compulsory tests, or, a compulsory "fiver" equates directly to less cyclists on the road, and, hence, less safe road conditions.


It's this heads in the sand, cyclist know best, arrogant refusal to even approach this whole issue in a positive way, with a bit of give and take on all sides - so you're quite happy then that there's no requirement for a cyclist to even bother reading the highway code, or even have the first idea how a responsible cyclist should behave, how to take a commanding position in the road so that drivers don't try and bully them into the gutter, etc?


I'm not going to pretend there aren't a lot of dangerous/careless drivers out there as there are, and they should be caught and dealt with (the number of people still on mobile phones is just disgusting).


It comes across like some of the cyclists on here are so bloody minded that it doesn't matter if a lot of newby cyclists get hurt through lack of cycling ability and road knowledge, as long as it's another bike on the road?


In all of the cycling accident and death numbers, do they break them down into how long they've been cycling on the roads? Do they collect that information, and if not, is there a reason why not? It would be very useful data to have. I hate the thought of any cyclist getting hurt or worse on our roads, but it seems it's so entrenched now in a them v us situation, particularly on here...

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Explain how, from what I've said above,I gain disproportionately..it makes very little difference to me whether I get to 2 sites a day or 4.. another thing..would you rather all the traffic that uses the motorways go through town instead?

We are talking in comparison to cyclists remember - this discussion started from this post where woodmally was complaining about having to pay for cycle lanes:

So who pays for these special cycle lanes then that part of the national cycle network. Is it muggings taxpayer?



If cyclists use the lanes provided then they are a good thing..


That doesn't actually answer whether you think only cyclists benefit from them or not. It's beginning to look like you're trying to avoid answering that question.

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We are talking in comparison to cyclists remember - this discussion started from this post where woodmally was complaining about having to pay for cycle lanes:


Would you like cyclists to be able to use the motorway? Aren't cyclists gaining by the traffic using the motorways instead of driving through towns? Don't cyclists use the goods/services that are transported via motorways? Wonder how your bike got to the shop? :)





That doesn't actually answer whether you think only cyclists benefit from them or not. It's beginning to look like you're trying to avoid answering that question.


How is saying they are a good thing not answering?

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Would you like cyclists to be able to use the motorway?
Aren't cyclists gaining by the traffic using the motorways instead of driving through towns?
Don't cyclists use the goods/services that are transported via motorways? Wonder how your bike got to the shop? :)


All that still doesn't mean motorists don't disproportionally benefit from the existence of motorways.



How is saying they are a good thing not answering?


Because I didn't ask whether you think they are a good thing. I asked "Do you think only cyclists benefit from cycle lanes?" It's a riposte to your "You reckon that only car owners benefit from us having motorways?" question, which I have answered.

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No. Yes.Yes.


All that still doesn't mean motorists don't disproportionally benefit from the existence of motorways.





Because I didn't ask whether you think they are a good thing. I asked "Do you think only cyclists benefit from cycle lanes?" It's a riposte to your "You reckon that only car owners benefit from us having motorways?" question, which I have answered.


Here..have the "Pedant of the week " badge... :D



Can you explain how motorists gain disproportionately?

Edited by truman
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I am an engineer..some of the kit I repair is medical kit in hospitals..don't you reckon that the people on the receiving end of this kit benefit from me being able to get about from site to site fairly quickly? Or do you reckon I go up and down the motorways for fun?


I'm an engineer, you're a technician.

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