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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Why are you answering a question with a question and avoiding answering...




As to why I would assume that you are a pedestrian, it's because nearly everyone is. You could of course be in a minority which cannot walk, in which case you can say so.

Or you could be avoiding answering because you are a motorist and you are a pedestrian... Which is it?


Ironic that you would ask me why I am avoiding a question when you yourself have not answered the question I put to you, don't you think?

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40 pages going round in circles ..


meanwhile in the world outside today 2 stories came up that probably wont have a whole episode of You and Yours devoted to them or be all over social media.


In both cases the driver either initially denied, or tried to cover up the evidence






I am TOTALLY fed up with drivers using mobile phones whilst driving!! It happens FAR too often. The penalties for THAT are nowhere near harsh enough to be a deterrant


And not to be outdone and ensure that my "bigotry" towards cyclists is kept intact. :) A few months ago in the snowy icy conditions I saw a cyclist coming towards me in the distance and he was EVERYWHERE! On both sides of the road and on the path swerving erractically all over the place. At first I assumed that he was drunk but when he came closer it turned out that the idiot was on a mobile phone!! When I had guessed where he would be when he passed me and successfully avoided him I pointed out the error of his ways and sod me!! He then used his OTHER hand to give me the rods thus making the swerving even worse!! Sorry cyclists, but I despair!!


And no, he wasnt wearing a helmet and no, i dont assume all cyclists are like that ***

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Ironic that you would ask me why I am avoiding a question when you yourself have not answered the question I put to you, don't you think?


What question didn't I answer? Unless you mean the one you asked instead of answering mine of course...


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 11:19 ----------


I am TOTALLY fed up with drivers using mobile phones whilst driving!! It happens FAR too often. The penalties for THAT are nowhere near harsh enough to be a deterrant


And not to be outdone and ensure that my "bigotry" towards cyclists is kept intact. :) A few months ago in the snowy icy conditions I saw a cyclist coming towards me in the distance and he was EVERYWHERE! On both sides of the road and on the path swerving erractically all over the place. At first I assumed that he was drunk but when he came closer it turned out that the idiot was on a mobile phone!! When I had guessed where he would be when he passed me and successfully avoided him I pointed out the error of his ways and sod me!! He then used his OTHER hand to give me the rods thus making the swerving even worse!! Sorry cyclists, but I despair!!


And no, he wasnt wearing a helmet and no, i dont assume all cyclists are like that ***


At least we agree that there are idiots on/in all forms of transport. :)

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If anyone wants to see how often red lights are ignored by motorists just go down Corporation Street and watch the traffic at the lights at either side of Alma Road (near the Tesco Express). I have lost count of the times these lights are ignored. It seems red on this section of the road is optional.

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All the cyclists I seem to see are the ones that break the law.

Can someone answer this for me? Are cyclists allowed both ways down a one-way street with no cycle lanes?


Reason I ask is because a few days ago as I was turning into a one-way street and there was a female cyclist coming down. I was going at normal speed and indicated but when I saw her I politely stopped to let her past so I was sort of half turned into the street. When she saw me she panicked, god knows why, pressed her brakes and almost fell off her bike. I am guessing she was a newish rider. Behind her, who I am assuming was her boyfriend decided to stop next to me and said "You could indicate you know". At which point I told him firstly I was indicating and secondly him and his partner were coming down a tight gap on a one-way street the wrong way. To this he replied "Cyclists can".


So this is the reason I am asking. It was quite cheeky of the man to challenge me as I had stopped to let them past. These are the type that give cyclists a bad name, it's not my fault his partner doesn't know how to use the brakes on her bike :loopy:

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Here's where I disagree with you. It is a minority of cyclists who break the law (red lights, pavement riding, dangerous maneuvers etc). Just as it is a minority of motorists who also break the law (red lights, speeding, dangerous driving).


Actually, surveys indicate that a majority of motorists break the law.

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Glen road in nether edge towards the bottom where it is very tight.


I pass the bottom of Glen Road twice a day (mostly on my bike) and I don't think there is anything allowing cyclists to go down there against the one way system. If there is a sign allowing it, it's not on google streetview thingy. I will check on my way home tonight. It appears that guy was in the wrong then.



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