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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Because i often see many tractors pulling in and letting the road clear when they are an inconvenience to other road users, as do I. Never seen any other cyclists do it. Just saying


Of course you do. They do that all the time. :hihi:


In your dream world.

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There's no legal obligation for tractors to pull in, they do it out of common courtesy and mutual respect of other road users.


I've not condoned his failure to pull over - I have made clear that I would pull over. But threatening behaviour to another road user when they are not breaking the law and they are riding safely is certainly not "mutual respect".


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 15:59 ----------


Do calm down dear


Where do you get the impression that I'm not calm from?

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He never mentioned anything about pulling over, Have you got your readers on love?


He simply pointed out that when conditions are bad, he could be in an accident, which i have to admit on one of those sit on bike things, in poor visibility in the middle of the road, is a recipe for disaster. Admittedly not solely at his responsibility, but i'll bet my left nut the driver would get ALL the blame.


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 16:01 ----------


Of course you do. They do that all the time. :hihi:


In your dream world.


No its called "The Peak District" Not far from here actually you should check it out. Just try not to hold the traffic up, some people have to live there.


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 16:03 ----------


I've not condoned his failure to pull over - I have made clear that I would pull over. But threatening behaviour to another road user when they are not breaking the law and they are riding safely is certainly not "mutual respect".


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 15:59 ----------



Where do you get the impression that I'm not calm from?


And whos mentioned threatening behaviour? Blimey you Mamil's are a defensive bunch.

Edited by EODM83
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He never mentioned anything about pulling over, Have you got your readers on love?


No, you did. Are you suggesting that we should just ignore your posts?


He simply pointed out that when conditions are bad, he could be in an accident, which i have to admit on one of those sit on bike things, in poor visibility in the middle of the road, is a recipe for disaster.


But what he's described isn't him riding when conditions are bad. It's just a nonsensical statement - like suggesting that people shouldn't ever drive without snowchains because when conditions are bad they'll not have any grip.




You wouldn't believe how inaccurate your perception is! :hihi:


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 17:04 ----------


some people have to live there.


You really don't have to live there.


I mentioned that I probably would pull over if I was cycling, and in most cases it would be out of mutual respect. But in reality, whilst I do sometimes pull over, it's in my car, since I don't cycle in the peak district. But that won't be out of mutual respect, it will be because I'll be driving just within the speed limit and the person behind isn't, and I'll be perfectly happy for them to put lots of distance between themselves and myself and my loved ones. I can assure you, there's no mutual respect at all involved.


If I'm driving in the peak district and the person in front is in a slower-moving vehicle, it's really not a big deal, I'll just enjoy the scenery and the slightly more leisurely pace and wait for a safe opportunity to overtake. Maybe you should try it, rather than telling other people to calm down.

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Are you for real? Lives threatened for not doing so? Do calm down dear, responses like this pretty well answer the original post!


There's no legal obligation for tractors to pull in, they do it out of common courtesy and mutual respect of other road users.


That's fine on country roads, but what about driving through a city during rush hour. What do they do, pull over until rush hour finishes? If they don't then they'll be slowing traffic down behind them.

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And whos mentioned threatening behaviour?


Sorry, I didn't answer this one, did I? Lots of people have mentioned and described threatening behaviour throughout this thread. The occasion I was thinking of was actually myself, about 6 pages ago, when I asked whether the motorists on this thread would condone such behaviour. Tommo has stated that he would turn a blind eye to a driver hitting a cyclist, and you've made clear that you think it's reasonable for drivers to carry out dangerous overtaking manoeuvres when there's an inconvenient cycle path leading to a completely different destination available, so I think the record's pretty clear.

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How can anyone walk into your bike if you are " out of the way"?


Not content to blame motorists for each and every time cyclists break the law, you are now blaming pedestrians for walking on the footpaths?

As you aren't very bright let me explain to you slowly. Pedestrian walks along not looking where they are going and straight into bike. I was standing at side of path next to hedge, with bike by my side.

In town today I was on a shared path for a couple of minutes and saw several pedestrians walk into each other as they were lazy to look before they decided to change direction or so impatient to get past other pedestrians they walked into others head on.



I laughed out extremely loud and spat my breakfast all over the dining room table when I read your last line, "so who on here is giving cyclists a bad name?"


Keep up the good work, your doing great.

Well seeing as you can't understand anything that has been clearly explained to you, no matter how simple it has been made, I guess you must laugh a lot at random things.


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 20:50 ----------


Nevertheless, a cyclist on a crowded shared pathway should also really consider dismounting and pushing. That is self-evidently sensible and in keeping with the highway code.
Except the reality is that doing so is not helpful. You are now taking up twice as much space in a crowded area and people will now walk into the bike as they don't tend to notice it. Unlike your 'self evident' nonsense, I have actually tested both methods and the 'common sense' one is the wrong solution. Edited by jezzyjj
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Except the reality is that doing so is not helpful. You are now taking up twice as much space in a crowded area and people will now walk into the bike as they don't tend to notice it. Unlike your 'self evident' nonsense, I have actually tested both methods and the 'common sense' one is the wrong solution.


Cycling through a crowd of pedestrians is better than dismounting and walking? Better for you, perhaps because they all have to leap out of your way?

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Cycling through a crowd of pedestrians is better than dismounting and walking? Better for you, perhaps because they all have to leap out of your way?
The amount of presumptuous stupidity displayed by the anti cycling muppets is why this thread exists in the first place

Why assume I am going a different speed to the pedestrians. Today I was overtaken someone on foot who then kept getting in the way of people coming the opposite direction as he pushed past other pedestrians all because of his his impatience and selfishness. Meanwhile myself on my bike slowly following a lady pushing a pram was causing no problem. This was a shared path, before you even start with the not allowed on pavements nonsense. Also of note - I do not now think that all pedestrians are selfish idiots as that would be what a moron would do.


The problem with bigots like you is that you confuse a few bad cyclists with all cyclists, all whilst ignoring the real problems and the thousands of people killed each year by drivers, 40 or so were people on pavements.


Today whilst standing on the pavement myself and another person walking by were almost taken out by a moron in an Audi 4x4. The reason she decided to take this shortcut was because, she was too impatient to wait for the lorry delivering a skip to finish it's job and drove around it. I think she was a complete idiot, BUT unlike the anti cycling bigots on here I do not then blame all motorists for her individual stupidity.

Later on I noticed that should I wish to cycle on the pavements of the route I was taking [i have no interest in doing so BTW] I wouldn't be able to. Why? Because of all the cars parked on them, pedestrians would have had to squeeze past and no chance if you had a pram or wheelchair. But again I don't blame all car driver for the irresponsibility of a few individuals, as it would be really stupid to do such a thing.

Edited by jezzyjj
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Cycling through a crowd of pedestrians is better than dismounting and walking? Better for you, perhaps because they all have to leap out of your way?


Leap. You are funny.


You realise you can cycle at walking speed right?


---------- Post added 04-06-2015 at 21:43 ----------


And whos mentioned threatening behaviour? Blimey you Mamil's are a defensive bunch.




I wish him no harm but when he inevitably does have an accident I won't lose any sleep about it and I assure you I will not witness anything when he does whether I see it or not, he is a danger to himself and others...an idiot and sheffield is not short of them.




If this isn't animosity then I don't know what is.


Someone who says they will refuse to give evidence about an accident and they won't lose any sleep to see someone killed.

They should probably be banned from driving for everyone else's safety.

Edited by Cyclone
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