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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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Selfish for what? For using a road he's completely entitled to use?


You're being a bit unfair to Tommo here. It's not just that he's using a road that he's completely entitled to use. It's also that he might choose to do so in "bad conditions" (something which Tommo has admittedly never actually seen him do), and that if so, some completely innocent motorist who happens to not have themselves adjusted to the bad conditions might plough into the back of him.


So the guy surely deserves to be killed while Tommo turns round and walks away with a quiet chuckle to himself.

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Shared cycle paths and the vast majority of pedestrians (at least round the university) with their ears blocked off so they can’t hear your bell or shout don’t make for easy riding on this type of infrastructure with the painted white lines. Low raised curbs work better and are favoured by blind users to indicate where bikes will pass.


Also the pointless decision to put pedestrians and cyclists on separate crossings creates needless conflict. The pedestrian who moans about cyclists on pavements at one point will always take the shortest route even if that means walking down the cycle facility (let’s face it I would do to if it saved me a minute).


Different experiences in some northern European cities where walking in the cycle lane will get you shouted at, tutted at and in danger of being run down (not saying this is a good thing, different culture maybe)


Shared space seem to work better in big open areas or where there are no fixed demarcation lines so we all have to get along, e.g. outside city hall or the University through tower court where there are no recorded pedestrian / cyclist collisions.


So poor design of facilities, after thoughts tagged on, and not thinking about how the pedestrian and cyclist will use it. Hopefully the University master plan will address this properly as they remove cars from Hounsfield road, Gel Street, Leavygreave road and onwards and encourage more pedestrian and cyclist travel along the route.

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Well haters gonna hate.


As I've said before, there is zero difference between the anti-cycling mob's language and behaviour from that of the racists






HAHAHAHAHAHA wow - thats it - end of discussion and OP answered right there!


Suppose he'll call me a Bigot now, love it when fools learn new words :hihi:

Edited by EODM83
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I think when people see, like I did today, a cyclist crossing from one side of the parkway to the other (crossing the central reservation), we are a bit dumbfounded by their stupidity.


OK, so that might explain animosity towards that cyclist. What connection does he/she have with every one though?

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Well said. Shame on you Sheffield. There is a disproportionate of motorists in this town whom should immediately have their driving license revoked.
Nothing to do with Sheffield, the same thing happens everywhere. It's also only a small percentage of drivers. However as there are so many drivers, that is still a lot of idiots who should not be driving.


Some people foolishly claim that riding with a helmet is more dangerous because cars will then drive closer to you. To test this odd assumption a researcher spent time cycling with a variety of clothing styles, with and without helmet. Driver behaviour was monitored with cameras and a consistent 3% of drivers drove dangerously close regardless of what was worn.

3% doesn't sound like much but with hundreds of cars out on the same road as you.....

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Some people foolishly claim that riding with a helmet is more dangerous because cars will then drive closer to you. To test this odd assumption a researcher spent time cycling with a variety of clothing styles, with and without helmet. Driver behaviour was monitored with cameras and a consistent 3% of drivers drove dangerously close regardless of what was worn.

3% doesn't sound like much but with hundreds of cars out on the same road as you.....


I'm with you. Especially as either way, if you are in an accident there's a fairly good chance that you'll land on your head. So I take my chance wearing a helmet ;-)

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