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Why is there so much animosity towards cyclists in Sheffield?

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You are wasting your time arguing with bigots like Tommo, it's like trying to convince the Klu Klux Klan that black people should not be murdered simply because of having a different colour skin.

Bigots by definition are very stupid, so using reason, facts and logic will never work with people who are only interested in hating others.

The KKK, The National Front, rabid anti-cyclists and so on are all similarly vile humans

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You are wasting your time arguing with bigots like Tommo, it's like trying to convince the Klu Klux Klan that black people should not be murdered simply because of having a different colour skin.

Bigots by definition are very stupid, so using reason, facts and logic will never work with people who are only interested in hating others.

The KKK, The National Front, rabid anti-cyclists and so on are all similarly vile humans


The point isn't to change Tommo's mind. It's to present the alternative viewpoint to others, who more reasonable but maybe unaware of the issues, who might be reading. To use your analogy, you wouldn't want the Klu Klux Klan to be the only people putting forward a position on race relations.

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I see you did not comment on the fact that pedalcyclists in comparison to other road users make far more demands and have them met and have specifically designated space either taken from the existing highway or deliberately added for their almost sole use at great expense for which they make no extra contribution.


Why would anyone need to comment on that nonsense. Those facilities are also for you

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The point isn't to change Tommo's mind. It's to present the alternative viewpoint to others, who more reasonable but maybe unaware of the issues, who might be reading. To use your analogy, you wouldn't want the Klu Klux Klan to be the only people putting forward a position on race relations.
Realistically is anyone else going to bother reading 50 odd pages of this though?


I have previously suggested that there should be a stickie post on SF dispelling the myths and nonsense like the non-existent road tax, that the anti-cycling lynch mob like to spout in every single cycling related thread.

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I see you did not comment on the fact that pedalcyclists in comparison to other road users make far more demands and have them met and have specifically designated space either taken from the existing highway or deliberately added for their almost sole use at great expense for which they make no extra contribution.


That would be because it isn't true, any of it. It's just nonsense spouting from you.

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Realistically is anyone else going to bother reading 50 odd pages of this though?


I have previously suggested that there should be a stickie post on SF dispelling the myths and nonsense like the non-existent road tax, that the anti-cycling lynch mob like to spout in every single cycling related thread.



I'm not anti-cyclist (although I do think they disproportionately run red lights) but I can't accept that road tax is a myth. Yes it's called Vehicle Excise Duty, yes it all goes into one pot and no it's not directly ringfenced, but the more tax the government takes in, the more they have to spend on things (such as roads). None of that is to say cyclists should pay an extra tax or that they are less entitled to use the road.

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And the amount you pay is directly based on how much pollution your vehicle produces.

... in comparison to other vehicles based on the same amount of miles travelled.


But it's not based on how much pollution your vehicle actually produces.


If you have a 'gas guzzler' and don't do many miles then you are probably going to create less pollution than a family runabout that is used regularly.


It would be much fairer if a tax was put on fuel, and then those that produced more pollution would pay more.


Just saying... :)

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I'm not anti-cyclist (although I do think they disproportionately run red lights) but I can't accept that road tax is a myth. Yes it's called Vehicle Excise Duty, yes it all goes into one pot and no it's not directly ringfenced, but the more tax the government takes in, the more they have to spend on things (such as roads). None of that is to say cyclists should pay an extra tax or that they are less entitled to use the road.


The VED for my car is £30 per year. How much do you think that contributes to the pot for distribution relative to what needs to be spent to maintain roads?


What's your stance on low-emission cars that have £0 VED?

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... in comparison to other vehicles based on the same amount of miles travelled.


But it's not based on how much pollution your vehicle actually produces.


If you have a 'gas guzzler' and don't do many miles then you are probably going to create less pollution than a family runabout that is used regularly.


It would be much fairer if a tax was put on fuel, and then those that produced more pollution would pay more.


Just saying... :)


True. I pay £250 VED for my car, and drive about 2000 miles a year.

I probably produce less pollution than many lower emission vehicles that drive 5 times as far.

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