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Happy St George's Day 2015

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It's tough to choose between the four choices of date put forward. :hihi:


The only way would be to put the dates in a hat and get the queen to draw one out. :)


St George is also the patron saint of the Catalans which is why Barcelona have the St Georges cross as part of their badge.


They celebrate the day in some style, street parties and parades and they light a bonfire on the summit of one of the Pyrenees mountains so that it can be seen in both Catalonian areas north eastern Spain and south eastern France.


Personally I think it would be nice to celebrate it a bit more but the English don't seem too bothered about national partying unless it has something to do with royalty.


That excludes people like me, but I'd welcome a national day that I could join in with.


Either St George or Shakespeare would be fine.

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What is our identity? Also why does it have to be associated with a mythical man who supposedly killed a mythical creature?


Just asking.


Our identity is that we're English, we have to put up with Paddy's Day, Australia Day, Pakistan Day, so this is our day English and proud shout it loud.


Just saying

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Our identity is that we're English, we have to put up with Paddy's Day, Australia Day, Pakistan Day, so this is our day English and proud shout it loud.


Just saying


It's also part of out identity not to follow what was a mainly a Roman Catholic custom, it's why before Carling started to try copy Guinness's approach to St Patrick's day, it never really bothered us much as a national celebration.

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Our identity is that we're English, we have to put up with Paddy's Day, Australia Day, Pakistan Day, so this is our day English and proud shout it loud.


Just saying


What kind of argument is that? I find national pride distasteful regardless of whom it’s from. Look at what BS the rightwing are saying at the moment - It’s ok from them to fly their flag but we can’t fly ours and all that rubbish.


Just saying


---------- Post added 23-04-2015 at 13:44 ----------


Well, the Irish and Scottish also celebrate a foreign Saint, so we're not alone.



Well I guess that's ok then

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I disagree, it's a good case for multiculturalism.


When people celebrate St George's Day, they're letting go of the C of E's traditions and following a Roman Catholic tradition of celebrating the Saint day.


Not only that, that they following a Palestinian Roman warrior. So not only are they supporting a "foreigner" but a "foreigner" who was part of an army that conquered and mixed with us, helping to spread multiculturalism.


St George is also a one of the few Saints who's well known and respected by Muslims.


St George's day is also celebrated by many other countries, our EU brothers Germany and Portugal amongst them.


Is it possible to have any more of a multicultural celebration?

Quite possibly, by lobbing in St Clement (who actually existed and actually killed a dragon in 2nd century AD, long before 'St George' ;)) for that extra Continental, Franco-German angle :D


And a happy St George day to ye all! :)

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