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Happy St George's Day 2015

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It always puzzles me that Scottish, Irish and Welsh nationalism seems to be more acceptable than English nationalism.


Perhaps because each of those countries was subsumed into Britain by the English and therefore have a reason to resist?


England on the other hand was the instigator of the Union, so what exactly would they be being nationalistic against?


English nationalism can be seen in resistance to the EU, an entity that not everyone agrees with being a part of.


So Irish, Scottish and Welsh national feeling against a British Union is now matched by English national feeling against a European Union.


Quite ironic when you think about it. :)

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Seems that I may be the first to wish all who care a very Happy St George's Day :)


Having pride in your country is great, but believing where you're from makes you better or more entitled than others is not.


Happy St George's Day, don't vote UKIP

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Why can we not be loud & proud about being English, not being bitter jusy showing pride at being English which, according to you is a hanging offence.


Really? Where have I said this? Are you confusing me with somebody else?


---------- Post added 23-04-2015 at 20:16 ----------


Unfortunately 'Englishness' has attracted an unsavoury bunch of close minded bigots who's idea of being English tends toward the ignorant jingoistic nonsense which tends to make them look ridiculous and embarrass everyone else.


This should be resisted and pride in the country maintained without overbearing arrogance being part of it.


Some numpties can't help over egging the situation when it comes to proclaiming their 'pride'.


By doing this they show their complete lack of knowledge of the countries history and make other more knowledgeable English people reluctant to voice their genuine affection for the country for fear of being associated with the knuckle draggers.


This is a shame, this country has many things to be proud of and whilst - like all Empires - it also has things to be ashamed of, that should not detract from a persons right to take pride in his/her countries achievements.


Providing both aspects are acknowledged, and pomposity and jingoism are kept in check it should be perfectly acceptable and enjoyable to celebrate Englishness without any problem.


Providing we can leave the Morris Dancers out of it of course! :)


These are my sentiments exactly. I happen to like Morris Dancers though...

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Having pride in your country is great, but believing where you're from makes you better or more entitled than others is not.


Happy St George's Day, don't vote UKIP


From what I see the English don't seem to feel any more entitled or better than any other nationality, not generally anyway, though some on here think their opinions matter more than others :D


Vote UKIP :P

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