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Why is telling girls to be careful rape apologistic

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You're just demonstrating that you don't understand consent. Regretting having drunken sex does not mean that rape occurred. You are repeating a harmful myth and trying to use it to make regretting any other drunken choice the equivalent of rape. It's pretty sick to be honest.


I repeatedly said in both cases they lack the capacity to make in informed choice because of the alcohol they have consumed, therefor they can't consent.


Someone can say yes to sex but because they lack the capacity to make an informed choice due to the amount of alcohol they have consumed they are absolved of all responsibility.


The same person can eat a cake even though they lack the capacity to make an informed choice due to the amount of alcohol they have consumed, but they are not absolved of all responsibility, if they get fat it was because they chose to eat the cake.


Why is one a choice and the other not a choice?

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You are repeating a harmful myth and trying to use it to make regretting any other drunken choice the equivalent of rape. It's pretty sick to be honest.


Its only rape because the law has decided that in a drunken state people can't make sensible decision in relation to sex, they can't consent. But they are held fully responsible for every other decision they make whilst in that same state.


---------- Post added 29-04-2015 at 15:53 ----------


Sex takes two people, eating cake takes one. It is impossible to not consent to something that only you are doing. Consent implies allowing someone else to do something to you.

I can't make it any clearer than that.


But if they lack the capacity to choose to have sex, and are absolved of all responsibility because of that lack of capacity, why are they held fully responsible for everything else they choose to do whilst drunk? According to the stats I posted earlier most rapists have been drinking and they are rightly held fully responsible if they choose to have sex.

Edited by loraward
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You can consent whilst drunk. You cannot consent whilst too drunk to understand or whilst incapacitated. And it's not 'only rape' because the law says so, unless you have no morals.


I'm not sure what point you are trying to prove, possibly you just want to demonstrate some moral ambiguity you feel inside, or maybe you're just trolling again, either way, you're wasting my time.


And to go back to where you started this ridiculous line of reasoning, you don't become obese from eating cake once whilst drunk.

People are held responsible for their own behaviour, particularly over the longer term required to become obese. They are not held responsible for the predatory actions of someone else raping them whilst they are incapable of saying no.

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You can consent whilst drunk. You cannot consent whilst too drunk to understand or whilst incapacitated. And it's not 'only rape' because the law says so, unless you have no morals.


Lots of people do some very stupid things whilst they are too drunk to understand yet they are held fully responsible for their actions.



And to go back to where you started this ridiculous line of reasoning, you don't become obese from eating cake once whilst drunk.

People are held responsible for their own behaviour, particularly over the longer term required to become obese. They are not held responsible for the predatory actions of someone else raping them whilst they are incapable of saying no.


But you could if you get drunk every day and then eat cake.

If two people meet up in a night club after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and then both choose to go home and have sex, why is one a predatory rapist and the other is absolved of all responsibility?

Edited by loraward
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Lots of people do some very stupid things whilst they are too drunk to understand yet they are held fully responsible for their actions.





But you could if you get drunk every day and then eat cake.

If two people meet up in a night club after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and then both choose to go home and have sex, why is one a predatory rapist and the other is absolved of all responsibility?


As opposed to a what other type of rapist?:suspect::roll:


You know, with your insane type of logic I'm sure you could justify just about anything, inc paedophilia, mass murder etc. You're completely :loopy:


Have some cake lad, :hihi:


---------- Post added 29-04-2015 at 20:14 ----------


If two people meet up in a night club after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and then both choose to go home and have sex, why is one a predatory rapist and the other is absolved of all responsibility?



Citation please.

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If two people meet up in a night club after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and then both choose to go home and have sex, why is one a predatory rapist and the other is absolved of all responsibility?


They aren't, you've made this up. You don't really understand the law about consent or rape do you.

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But you could if you get drunk every day and then eat cake.

If two people meet up in a night club after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and then both choose to go home and have sex, why is one a predatory rapist and the other is absolved of all responsibility?


You're tying yourself in knots here and making yourself look like an even bigger fool- and an apologist for rape to boot.

Are there any depths you won't lower yourself to?


You have no idea what rape is, what it means to women or what consent involves.

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A businessman today told of his relief after being cleared of raping a drunken woman at a five-star hotel in west London.


Mohammed Aneizi, 26, was accused of attacking the woman at a suite in the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington after they had met earlier in the evening at Mayfair’s Movida nightclub.


Mr Aneizi, a web designer from Ealing, denied rape and said the woman had insisted on coming home with him.


The 26-year-old was cleared of two counts of rape following a trial at Isleworth Crown Court in which his lawyer referred to the 'recipe for disaster' party lifestyle of some young women.


Aneizi was accused of raping the woman after taking her back to the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington following a night out.


He denied the charges throughout, and was today acquitted of one count of rape.


Speaking before the jury returned its verdict, his lawyer referred to the party lifestyle of some young women.


'You have to wonder about club culture - it's a recipe for disaster,' said Davis Osbourne.


'These girls are able to go out week after week, night after night, and not spend a penny.


'Promoters are able to get them into the clubs by handing out free drinks and entry. This was 0-60mph drunkenness.


'Mr Aneizi and this lady got themselves into silly positions that night, and would have made very different choices if they were both sober.'


The court heard how the businessman kissed the woman at the nightclub, and that she insisted on coming home with him.


'She was very drunk, and when drunk made a decision to have sex with my client.




If he had been found guilty and some people in the same situation have been found guilty, a different jury could have even found him guilty, I have no doubt some would be calling him a predatory rapist, there are probably some that will say he is a rapist that got away with it.



If only she had heeded the advice on this poster.


Bare in mind that the women in the above story believes she was raped, fortunately for Mohammed the jury disagreed with her.

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No, someone made the choice eat the cake or have sex despite not having the capacity to make a sensible choice due to the alcohol they had consumed.



You've made so many idiotic self contradictory statements, but this just about takes the biscuit.


Someone who lacks capacity, through drink or whatever means cannot make a sensible choice, cannot give consent.


You completely fail to recognise that eating cake is an act that one person does.

Rape is imposed upon the person, by another person.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 07:46 ----------


If he had been found guilty and some people in the same situation have been found guilty, a different jury could have even found him guilty, I have no doubt some would be calling him a predatory rapist, there are probably some that will say he is a rapist that got away with it.




It's statistically quite likely that he is indeed a rapist and did get away with it.

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