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Why is telling girls to be careful rape apologistic

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It's statistically quite likely that he is indeed a rapist and did get away with it.


Choosing to have sex whilst drunk is a choice, it might be a bad choice that some regret, but still a choice and for some unfortunate people they end up being accused and found guilty of rape after what is just a drunken night of sex.


See what I mean, in your eyes he is probably a rapist and obviously in your eyes she bares no responsibility for her own actions.

Edited by loraward
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Choosing to have sex whilst drunk is a choice, it might be a bad choice that some regret, but still a choice and for some unfortunate people they end up being accused and found guilty of rape after what is just a drunken night of sex.


See what I mean, in your eyes he is probably a rapist and obviously in your eyes she bares no responsibility for her own actions.


Rape victims didn't choose to have sex while drunk. They were raped.


The number of men falsely accused of rape is miniscule compared to the number of rapists that get away with it because aren't believed and to the number of women raped.


Very telling that you're now trying to shift the discussion towards that tiny number of men who are falsely accused and away from the reality that women are the real victims here.

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Rape victims didn't choose to have sex while drunk. They were raped.


The number of men falsely accused of rape is miniscule compared to the number of rapists that get away with it because aren't believed and to the number of women raped.


Very telling that you're now trying to shift the discussion towards that tiny number of men who are falsely accused and away from the reality that women are the real victims here.


That's a matter of opinion, one jury might have the opinion that it was a consensual choice, whilst another might have the opinion that it wasn't a consensual choice.


About 3000 people go on trial each year for rape, 1,000 people are convicted of rape despite up to 100,000 accusations of rape . That's just 1% and we can't be 100% sure that their convictions are safe, and we have no idea which of the others were falsely accused or did in fact commit rape. From the story I just posted it is possible to consent to sex whilst drunk but believe you was raped.

Edited by loraward
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Choosing to have sex whilst drunk is a choice, it might be a bad choice that some regret, but still a choice and for some unfortunate people they end up being accused and found guilty of rape after what is just a drunken night of sex.


See what I mean, in your eyes he is probably a rapist and obviously in your eyes she bares no responsibility for her own actions.


I'm with you Loraward.


There are many on here who have signed up to the sacred cow of feminism and whilst it is correct in many ways just cannot think logically about it any more.


The same thing has happened with racism and look where that is ending up.

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If something is non consensual, then someone else did it to you.


That's right, but how do you set about proving that something was non consensual or that someone did or didn't have the capacity to consent?


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 08:41 ----------


I'm with you Loraward.


There are many on here who have signed up to the sacred cow of feminism and whilst it is correct in many ways just cannot think logically about it any more.


The same thing has happened with racism and look where that is ending up.


Just like racism the lines have been blurred.


Some people would say that Mohammed Aneizi and Opemipo Jaji are no different to each other and both predatory rapists, one has a drunken night of sex whilst the other drags and 11 year old girl into a park and rapes her at knife point, to me there is a distinct difference, one is a rapist and one is not.

Edited by loraward
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That's right, but how do you set about proving that something was non consensual or that someone did or didn't have the capacity to consent?

I haven't claimed to have an answer for this entirely new question you've raised.

Why don't you explain how a chocolate cake does something to anyone...


Just like racism the lines have been blurred.


Some people would say that Mohammed Aneizi and Opemipo Jaji are no different to each other and both predatory rapists, one has a drunken night of sex whilst the other drags and 11 year old girl into a park and rapes her at knife point, to me there is a distinct difference, one is a rapist and one is not.


If you want to draw a distinction between raping girls who are comatose through alcohol and using force then that's between you and your conscience (or lack of it), to everyone else they're equally vile.

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If he had been found guilty and some people in the same situation have been found guilty, a different jury could have even found him guilty, I have no doubt some would be calling him a predatory rapist, there are probably some that will say he is a rapist that got away with it.



If only she had heeded the advice on this poster.


Bare in mind that the women in the above story believes she was raped, fortunately for Mohammed the jury disagreed with her.


You've cited an incident then went onto superimpose your own perceived outcome with "if" "a different jury" and "some people have been found guilty". He could have been charged with bestiality if she was a goat. Easy..innit?


Credible citation please, without make belief this time..

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The cake does not give consent in any way.


When absolutely blotto drunk a sexual partner cannot give consent in any way.

5 drinks...............grey area............

4 drinks...............grey area............

3 drinks...............grey area............

2 drinks...............grey area............

1 drink.................grey area............

A sexual partner when sober can give consent.


Are you saying that the ....grey area.... does not exsist?

I am saying that circumstances alter cases.

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