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i have suffered from coldsores for more years than i care to remember. i have found that the thing that works best for me is to hold an ice cube on your sore for as long as you can stand it, do this several times a day. This works a treat for me, they are usually gone within 2 days.

julie x

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I agree with the ice cube trick. I suffer quite a lot with cold sores and as soon as I feel a tingle I press an ice cube on until it melts away. It normally works for me. I get them when I am run down or have had too much sun.

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i used to suffer so badly with them they used to come every month or 6 weeks and they used to be huge too! i found that once i changed my diet and generally started looking after myself i stopped getting them.


if im really ill i will still get one a week or so after i feel better or even if im just really knackerd from lack of sleep and stress brings them out too!


i find the only way too get rid of them once i have a full blown one is too remove the scab and apply either vinegar or aftershave to it and it does hurt like hell for a while but it seems to get rid of it quicker.

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I bought this a few months ago after reading some really good reviews: http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Advanced-Electronic-Cold-Sore-Treatment_641526/


I know its very expensive, but since I used it at the beginning of the year, I havent had another outbreak and they used to be fairly regular for me if id had a lot of stress or late nights and what not.


I even use it every now and again even if I dont feel any tingling, just to sort of prevent an outbreak and so far its worked!


Hope this helps, I know how awful they can make you feel. :(

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I'm another one who recommends the perfume/aftershave method!


Not much use at the tingling stage, but at the first sign of the blisters popping I smother it in perfume - tastes vile, stings like hell, but it works for me! Seems to dry up really quickly after that.

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