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Electoral fraud in Tower Hamlets

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Luftur Rehman was removed as Mayor of Tower Hamlets after an electoral court found him guilty of "corrupt and illegal practices" including ballot rigging and buying votes, amongst other things.


There is a good article on the story in todays Daily Telegraph.




It's a story of postal vote "factories", of the Police and the Electoral Commission doing nothing. Rehman was brought down by four ordinary people who risked being bankrupted by their legal costs.


I wonder how many more postal voting factories there are out there? No wonder people are so cynical about politics and politicians.

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There wants to be a public investigation into the electoral commission for failing to act.


My worry is they were intentionally held back by other politicians as this is not an isolated incident.


Well that's the thing. Postal voting has been proved to be wide open to electoral fraudsters, and the fraud needs to be stopped. Obviously too late for this election but the way the authorities looked the other way is very worrying.

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Luftur Rehman was removed as Mayor of Tower Hamlets after an electoral court found him guilty of "corrupt and illegal practices" including ballot rigging and buying votes, amongst other things.


There is a good article on the story in todays Daily Telegraph.




It's a story of postal vote "factories", of the Police and the Electoral Commission doing nothing. Rehman was brought down by four ordinary people who risked being bankrupted by their legal costs.


I wonder how many more postal voting factories there are out there? No wonder people are so cynical about politics and politicians.


He has to pay a fine of £250.000 and he's banned from voting in the next mayoral election. But why wasn't he given a custodial sentence?:confused:

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UK's first Muslim Mayor. That went well didn't it.


He wasn't the UK's first Muslim mayor. He was the UK's first directly-elected Muslim mayor.


As a UKIP member you're not in a strong position to lecture on the conduct of other elected representatives given UKIP's high rate of attrition for one reason and another. A lot of UKIP's candidates don't even make it onto the ballot paper before they've had to resign.


---------- Post added 24-04-2015 at 19:30 ----------


He has to pay a fine of £250.000 and he's banned from voting in the next mayoral election. But why wasn't he given a custodial sentence?:confused:


Because there hasn't been a criminal trial yet. I'd imagine that if and when that happens Rehman won't be the only one going down. Tower Hamlets is almost a mafia state. Why people like Galloway and Livingstone support him is bewildering.

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Postal voting needs to be far more heavily regulated, if not banned. I'd be interested in seeing a breakdown of what parties recieve what % of votes by post. I'd be willing to bet it's heavily skewed towards Labour, and heavily skewed towards Muslims. Needs to be looked at before we end up with a civil war.

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Postal voting needs to be far more heavily regulated, if not banned. I'd be interested in seeing a breakdown of what parties receive what % of votes by post. I'd be willing to bet it's heavily skewed towards Labour, and heavily skewed towards Muslims. Needs to be looked at before we end up with a civil war.


We may already be in the early stages of a civil war. What is happening now is typical of a faction grabbing for power. Once power is gained then the aim of the faction would be to change the laws themselves.


There is little doubt that those persons are attempting to skew the societal rules we have and, like mugs, our laws allow them to do just that.


It's time to look properly at the current mix of emigrants that arrive on these shores, never mind whichever religion is professed, most religions follow a live and let live philosophy, we can respect each other without animosity.


It's a far cry from the original immigration wave during the 1950's.

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