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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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Why should cars not try to overtake you? Do you have special powers or Something? The roads in sheff are generally not setup for cyclists, especially bits of Langsett road and others with the super tram. Narrow lanes...

I agree it's not ideal but you must know it's high risk or dangerous.


I have no problem with cars overtaking, but they do need to choose a moment and situation when it's safe to do so, and do so in a safe manner. All of that is spelt out in the HC, and the drivers in cyclone's video were not driving according to the Highway Code.

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Guest busdriver1


If your lack of respect involves endangering someones life then you should be banned from driving. If it doesn't alter that you drive safely then I don't give a fig or not whether you respect random strangers.

You realise that only 1 poster on this thread runs red lights, all the other cyclists do not... Or is that a bit inconvenient for your moralising position?

Why dont you jump to conclusions and put words in my mouth?


I put it to you and people who are rational that there are cyclists and motorists that run red lights. I have done so on the odd occasion. I am not proud of it but admit it happened. I did not say and would never endanger any other road user because I do not respect them. In the case of many (note not ALL ) cyclists I do not respect them, I fear them and their lack of care for themselves and other road users.


I have to be honest that reading through your posts you give the impression of a poor cyclist by the attitude you display. If you have the same attitude to other road users that you display to other posters on this thread I can see why you seem to have a lot of near misses.

As a vulnerable road user you have a duty of care to yourself to a higher degree than most other road users. That is not to say they should not treat cyclists with care, they should.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 12:56 ----------


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Why should cars not try to overtake you? Do you have special powers or Something? The roads in sheff are generally not setup for cyclists, especially bits of Langsett road and others with the super tram. Narrow lanes...

I agree it's not ideal but you must know it's high risk or dangerous.


Are you deliberately playing the fool?

Please state where it was said that car drives should not overtake cyclists.


The words used were "dangerously overtaking"


By your logic, if I say "dangerous driving is bad" then that means "you shouldn't ever drive"


Then again, if you aren't being silly and do genuinely struggle with the difference between a perfectly allowable and legal manoeuvre of overtaking (i.e. when safe to do so leaving adequate gap), with "dangerously overtaking" then perhaps you shouldn't drive...


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 13:12 ----------


Sharks are dangerous and can kill you, I stay away from them. :thumbsup:


If people rode sharks down the road, then your concerns would be valid. However they don't. So your concerns, however genuine you may feel about sharks and the highway code, are without foundation. And kind of irrelevant to anything here.

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Yep, I had that yesterday, with a van. Overtook me despite me indicating right.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 10:42 ----------




There you go. Multiple drivers overtaking dangerously close, one overtaking and with the left indicator on.

Not being critical of your decision to ride on the left of the tramlines Cyclone- I'm sure you've got your reasons for it.


But, to any other cyclists who've watched that video, I'd like to point out that all that dangerous overtaking could have been prevented by simply taking primary position and cycling between the tramlines.


And seeing how (in the video) some drivers behave when the cyclist is riding right next to the curb, it should be completely obvious why cyclists are advised, in certain road conditions, to take central postion- it's the only way to ensure you don't get overtaken dangerously.


On the stretch of road in that video, even more so, as due to jutting out tram stops, it's not possible to stay on the left and you'd have to keep crossing the tramlines, which, again, is a major cause of many serious cycling accidents.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 14:05 ----------


The fact many cyclists of this nature film their journeys, edit them, upload them to youtube and share them...... well reallys shows them up for what they are.


And the incredulous responses and attitude genuinely stinks. :loopy:



Uploading actual evidence of what actually happens on the road- what exactly does that show them to be? What issue do you have with people uploading video that shows what happens in reality?

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Not being critical of your decision to ride on the left of the tramlines Cyclone- I'm sure you've got your reasons for it.


But, to any other cyclists who've watched that video, I'd like to point out that all that dangerous overtaking could have been prevented by simply taking primary position and cycling between the tramlines.



All danger could "REALLY" of been avoided by using the perfectly useable and well maintained cyclepath on the right hand side of the road. I'm sure you've seen it.


Happy to help by the way. :clap:

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All danger could "REALLY" of been avoided by using the perfectly useable and well maintained cyclepath on the right hand side of the road. I'm sure you've seen it.


Happy to help by the way. :clap:


It's on the right hand side of the road dude- fine if he was riding the other way, not much use for where he's going.


If you want to help, consider answering the actual question i.e. what's your problem with cyclists uploading videos of actual occurances on the roads.

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Not being critical of your decision to ride on the left of the tramlines Cyclone- I'm sure you've got your reasons for it.


But, to any other cyclists who've watched that video, I'd like to point out that all that dangerous overtaking could have been prevented by simply taking primary position and cycling between the tramlines.


I think it's a bit less black-and-white. Primary position can help in two ways - firstly, it can prevent the dangerous overtaking manoeuvre if there is oncoming traffic or road furniture to the right.


But there is always the possibility of them still finding some room and overtaking dangerously close. In that scenario, primary position helps because you've got some wriggle-room to your left. To be honest, I mostly cycle slightly-less-than-primary because I like to hope that (unlike the drivers in cyclone's video, and by the sounds of it some of those on this thread) the people behind will be sensible and courteous and so I'd like to give them the opportunity to overtake safely. I'll then pull out to primary when I see a pinch-point approaching.


Anyway, in cyclone's scenario you don't really get the second benefit because you'd be stuck between the tramlines. I'd generally expect an ignorant driver to be more ignorant about the danger of the tramlines than the kerb, and given the choice I'd probably be prefer to be nudged towards the pavement and the occasional bus stops etc than onto the road - so I'd probably do the same.

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Its off the road all together - safe as houses.


I've got no problem with them - they cause hours of amusement to many people.


Why is it necessary though? I admit you see people driving badly, but you also see many cyclists cycling in a dangerous position, and then doing their upmost to catch up with drivers and atagonise them. For every cycling video showing poor driving I can show you a driving video with poor cycling. However drivers are not so uppety and defensive about it. Just relax.

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All danger could "REALLY" of been avoided by using the perfectly useable and well maintained cyclepath on the right hand side of the road. I'm sure you've seen it.


Happy to help by the way. :clap:


No help at all :loopy:


(A) the cycle path of the right is only present for about half the video, so you fall straightaway on your first word "All"


(B) Towards the end of the video it becomes clear that the cyclist is NOT going to Tesco, which is where the cycle path basically ends up. It is of no use to someone continuing along the road


© It's equally as valid (and equally invalid) to suggest that danger could be avoinded if the cars used the parfectly useable and maintained dual carriageway running parallel - I'm sure you've seen it


(D) You seem to want cyclists to cycle safely (which is fair enough) - why do you have an issue with the simple request for drivers to drive safely?


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 15:15 ----------


...However drivers are not so uppety and defensive about it. Just relax.


I've seen plenty of ranting road-raging motorists, usually at each other. There have even been murders about it...


However, someone driving a bit close to another car doesn't cause the same reaction because the danger is of a bit of a scratch of plastic or metal. Not ground bone and sinew.


If I swing a baseball bat inches from your head and continued to do so, even though I said "It's not hit you so what's the issue, relax", you might get a bit uppity and defensive. A car is a more dangerous weapon than a baseball bat.

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The fact many cyclists of this nature film their journeys, edit them, upload them to youtube and share them...... well reallys shows them up for what they are.


And the incredulous responses and attitude genuinely stinks. :loopy:


Many drivers also have dash cams nowadays. A driver could edit footage to omit their mistakes/bad driving.

I don't have a camera, and I doubt I would ever get one, it would make for very boring footage. I come across hardly any problems with drivers, the majority are safe and courteous. I have been involved in an accident (which was deemed to be the drivers fault), but I have no animosity towards drivers. I also drive, and there are idiots out there, but that is true of anything.

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