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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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I Agree it's a dangerous weapon a car or truck and car users are sometimes at fault. I can see why cyclists are at high risk. However I was wondering why you believe all cyclists are faultless and ride safely?

Do you just want to keep making things up to question me about?

Of course I don't think all cyclists are faultless. I never said that.

Being honest this is not always the case from what I see and witness, although most do. Out of interest I wonder how many deaths are caused by negligent cyclists.

Why don't you find out and then compare it to those by motorists and let us know.


If you look on YouTube there's plenty of videos, motorcycle helmetcam where cyclists run red lights or filter traffic dangerously. Sometimes narrowly avoiding causing a collision or serious injury.

Yes, and they're idiots.


Why should cars not try to overtake you? Do you have special powers or Something? The roads in sheff are generally not setup for cyclists, especially bits of Langsett road and others with the super tram. Narrow lanes...

I agree it's not ideal but you must know it's high risk or dangerous.

So you think cars should be exempt from the rules and regulations and should be okay to perform dangerous overtaking manoeuvres and risk my life? Instead of waiting 5 seconds and overtaking safely.


And filming on tight roads with little cycle provision, it's the definition of loaded video. Because of course the car was close to you.

The car SHOULD NOT overtake unless it can do so safely. It's not difficult. DON'T overtake me unless you can do so SAFELY. It's the law.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 15:33 ----------


Why dont you jump to conclusions and put words in my mouth?


I put it to you and people who are rational that there are cyclists and motorists that run red lights. I have done so on the odd occasion. I am not proud of it but admit it happened. I did not say and would never endanger any other road user because I do not respect them. In the case of many (note not ALL ) cyclists I do not respect them, I fear them and their lack of care for themselves and other road users.


I have to be honest that reading through your posts you give the impression of a poor cyclist by the attitude you display. If you have the same attitude to other road users that you display to other posters on this thread I can see why you seem to have a lot of near misses.

As a vulnerable road user you have a duty of care to yourself to a higher degree than most other road users. That is not to say they should not treat cyclists with care, they should.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 12:56 ----------



I don't have a lot of near misses because I'm aware of my surroundings and assume that most drivers are idiots. Most aren't, but about 10% are in my experience. Bus drivers are generally very good though, apart from the Sheffield Council mini buses which perform overtakes like in the video I posted.

I'm afraid that I lack respect for all the people on this thread that fail to understand basic concepts from the highway code though.


Oh, and I agree that you get idiots on/in all forms of transport. I just think they're more dangerous as the vehicles get bigger and heavier and faster.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 15:35 ----------


Not being critical of your decision to ride on the left of the tramlines Cyclone- I'm sure you've got your reasons for it.


But, to any other cyclists who've watched that video, I'd like to point out that all that dangerous overtaking could have been prevented by simply taking primary position and cycling between the tramlines.


And seeing how (in the video) some drivers behave when the cyclist is riding right next to the curb, it should be completely obvious why cyclists are advised, in certain road conditions, to take central postion- it's the only way to ensure you don't get overtaken dangerously.


On the stretch of road in that video, even more so, as due to jutting out tram stops, it's not possible to stay on the left and you'd have to keep crossing the tramlines, which, again, is a major cause of many serious cycling accidents.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 14:05 ----------




Uploading actual evidence of what actually happens on the road- what exactly does that show them to be? What issue do you have with people uploading video that shows what happens in reality?


I use a primary position when passing through the tram stop pinch points. But I don't think it's fair to use it when I'm doing 5mph up hill.

If I'm making good speed down hill, I'll stick to primary sometimes then.


Unfortunately the tram line itself makes moving in and out of primary position a dangerous thing to do.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 15:36 ----------


All danger could "REALLY" of been avoided by using the perfectly useable and well maintained cyclepath on the right hand side of the road. I'm sure you've seen it.


Happy to help by the way. :clap:


Really, perhaps you can point it out. Given the location of the video I posted...


Here, I'll help you out to start (and I'll even refrain from calling you an idiot, although it's strongly implied).




---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 15:37 ----------


Its off the road all together - safe as houses.


I've got no problem with them - they cause hours of amusement to many people.


Why is it necessary though? I admit you see people driving badly, but you also see many cyclists cycling in a dangerous position, and then doing their upmost to catch up with drivers and atagonise them. For every cycling video showing poor driving I can show you a driving video with poor cycling. However drivers are not so uppety and defensive about it. Just relax.


Because they won't die from it. Now I will call you an idiot.

Edited by Cyclone
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The car SHOULD NOT overtake unless it can do so safely. It's not difficult. DON'T overtake me unless you can do so SAFELY. It's the law.


^ This.


I am a cyclist. I also drive a car. Sometimes a bloody great big truck.


Whatever vehicle I'm in, it's doesn't matter. If you can't overtake safely, you stay back until you can. The roads are there for all to use.


If you see a cyclist running a red light, fair enough, they're a dick and breaking the rules, they should be punished by the authorities for it just the same as people who speed or drive dangerously. Does that give any of us the right to endanger the lives of other cyclists who are likely to be completely innocent?


Just because some cyclists break the rules, does not give anyone the right to drive dangerously around them.


Just because some drivers break the rules, doesn't mean cyclists have the right to do whatever the hell they like.


It's common bloody sense.

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Unfortunately the tram line itself makes moving in and out of primary position a dangerous thing to do.


You make a good point the tram tracks do present a danger to cyclists, both pedal and motor, especially when wet.


The danger is greater for cyclists because of the danger of getting their wheels stuck in the tram tracks causing them to overbalance on busy roads in front of other road users potentially causing havoc.


Purely from a safety for all users aspect; We really ought to have legislation with heavy fines and confiscation of the vehicle in place to make having tyres of sufficient width on pedal cycles to not be caught up in tram tracks compulsory in all towns and cities that have trams.


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Purely from a safety for all users aspect; We really ought to have legislation with heavy fines and confiscation of the vehicle in place to make having tyres of sufficient width on pedal cycles to not be caught up in tram tracks compulsory in all towns and cities that have trams.



Lol, fantastic joke! :hihi:

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Purely from a safety for all users aspect; We really ought to have legislation with heavy fines and confiscation of the vehicle in place to make having tyres of sufficient width on pedal cycles to not be caught up in tram tracks compulsory in all towns and cities that have trams.



I agree that it's a safety issue, but unless you're expecting the police to spend their time stopping and measuring cyclists' tyres, you're surely just suggesting that cyclists who get injured from going over their handlebars also get a heavy fine and have their trashed bike confiscated?

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You make a good point the tram tracks do present a danger to cyclists, both pedal and motor, especially when wet.


The danger is greater for cyclists because of the danger of getting their wheels stuck in the tram tracks causing them to overbalance on busy roads in front of other road users potentially causing havoc.


Purely from a safety for all users aspect; We really ought to have legislation with heavy fines and confiscation of the vehicle in place to make having tyres of sufficient width on pedal cycles to not be caught up in tram tracks compulsory in all towns and cities that have trams.



The tracks have also resulted in accidents to motorcycles and indeed cars. So perhaps they should all just be confiscated.


My tyres of course don't fit in the gap, but that doesn't stop the tram tracks being dangerous. Indeed I doubt that 1/10 cycle on tram track accidents are down to the wheel going into the groove, it's more the fact that metal is slippery when wet, unlike tarmac.


---------- Post added 20-05-2015 at 09:20 ----------


2 all this morning.


2 cyclists ran red lights, got them on camera if anyone cares.


2 cars overtook me where they shouldn't have done, better than usual to be honest, traffic must have been light. Got them on camera as well.

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The tracks have also resulted in accidents to motorcycles and indeed cars. So perhaps they should all just be confiscated.


I wish they would. I'd love to see the tram not sharing the highways.



---------- Post added 21-05-2015 at 02:55 ----------


I assume it is a joke, no-one's that daft that they really think the police should go round measuring how wide bike tyres are, do they?


Are you trying to tell us you have never known the police have to do dafter things because someone insisted they do it.


Pulling up motorists for traffic surveys.

Pulling up lorries to see what colour diesel they are using.

Pulling up car drivers for burning veggie oil.

Closing roads for other people's events

Pulling up folks for grabbing themselves a rabbit or pheasant or two

.. This could be a thread of its own ....


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