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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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Not really pal - lets be honest the fact that whatever sensible suggestion is put forward it all gets put aside like some petulant nonsense or schoolyard chatter - all you can expect from the two wheeled mafia!


Why not try putting forward a sensible suggestion? Emphasis on sensible.

And while you mention the cycle path that I use alongside Penistone Road to Kelham Island, this has its own issues. Why exactly do so many motorists feel the need to take a shortcut that isn't a shortcut along a signed on-road section of the national cycle network? There's a perfectly good dual carriageway not 50 yards away? You can see it on Google maps......



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Not really pal - lets be honest the fact that whatever sensible suggestion is put forward it all gets put aside like some petulant nonsense or schoolyard chatter - all you can expect from the two wheeled mafia!


Because it's so unreasonable to expect motorists to overtake sensibly, that I instead should have to take steps to avoid them. And sensible reasons why I don't do what you want make me "the two wheeled mafia". Except I assume when I'm driving, when I become one of the many, careful, considerate motorists who the "two wheeled mafia" are terrorising. :roll:

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all you can expect from the two wheeled mafia!


Do you have nothing better to do than just come up with ad hominems? Two wheeled mafia?! What are you on about?! Have you got into your car in the morning and found a horses head on the passenger seat or something?

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As an experiment I took the cycle path down Penistone road this morning instead of the road & I have to say it is quite possibly the worst arrangement I have ever come across. Constantly switching between pedestrian / bike mixed traffic and proper cycle lane, deviating off with bugger all signage and the surface is pretty dodgy.


Needless to say I'll be sticking with the main road from now on.


If Sheffield council want to promote sustainable transport then they need to really properly invest in the infrastructure to support it.

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If Sheffield council want to promote sustainable transport clipped


They dont. They just want to pursue their bizarre agenda against the car and the motorist. It has nothing to do with any sustainable transport. I dont think the council even give two hoots about the cyclists or else they would provide some proper infrastructure and maybe even some training for them to use it and the roads when needed. No, its just Car hating SCC doing their thing.

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I have to say it is quite possibly the worst arrangement I have ever come across.


That's a pretty bold claim ;-)


How does it compare to this cycle path near the University?


---------- Post added 27-05-2015 at 11:23 ----------


They just want to pursue their bizarre agenda against the car and the motorist.


Yeah, between the vindictive persecution they get from the council, and living in fear of their lives from the two-wheeled mafia, life is really hard for the poor motorist :hihi:

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Blimey this thread appears to have escalated some what from when I started it.


I still agree with my initial comments regarding "novice" cyclists who I still believe to be a danger to themselves and others however I also agree with the poor highway arrangements for cyclists in Sheffield as well.


I have nothing against cycling what so ever. I think it is a great way to get around, it is a great way to get fit and it is the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation other than walking. I have nothing but admiration for experienced cyclists but my attitude towards novice, inexperienced cyclists is 100% them same as it was when I started the thread.

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You and Yours covered cycling incidents the other day. Only caught the last 20 mins but as you might expect the most balanced comments came from the cycling motorists (or the motorist who also cycles). Chris Boardman pointed out that over 90% of British Cycling Members are also car drivers and its time to end this 2 tribe mentality. Its a pity that the same levels of motorists don't have that road cycling experience to draw upon these days.


There were the usual calls bemoaning the end of cycling proficiency, wobbling round cones style training until it was pointed out that over 50% of schools have access to Bikeabilty trainig.




One interesting suggestion (from a motorist I believe) was that completion of bikabilty level 3 at school should in some way contribute to your progress towards a full driving licence, e.g. exemption from some parts of the theory test. or taken into consideration toward car insurance


My daughter took bikeabilty at Junior school. She now tells me off for cycling too close to the kerb and not taking the lane

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