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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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lucky you were not seriously injured or killed, quiet a few pedestrians have been by cyclists riding 25mph plus. did he have no lights on his bike?


Quite a few :hihi: Good one. How many is it as a % of deaths caused by cars?


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 16:04 ----------


Agreed. The attitude of some cyclists on here shows they are a danger to themselves, pedestrians and other road users.


Which cyclists?


---------- Post added 09-05-2015 at 16:05 ----------


It's a good idea in theory, but as the more eloquent cyclists on here will tell you, they will resist any attempt to have any kind of licence, registration or even basic training for cyclists.


For extremely good reasons.

Although you're aware of course that free training is widely available and often encouraged at school.

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Agreed. The attitude of some cyclists on here shows they are a danger to themselves, pedestrians and other road users.


I cant argue with that. I had cause to report a cyclist last weekend. He went through a red on Savile street, came close to hitting someone crossing the road then cut up a bus of all things. Those bus horns are bloody loud but he just flipped the driver off and went towards the Wicker. I was going to tesco and as i was pulling in a police car was pulling out so i stopped them. I dont know if they went after him, doubt they did really but they went in that direction.

Personally i dont mind if the aggressive cyclists that are so common on our roads kill themselves in droves. After all its their choice to ride like that but the pedestrian he almost hit was only going about their business and almost come a cropper thanks to some lycra clad moron.

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Quite a few :hihi: Good one. How many is it as a % of deaths caused by cars?



who cares, I don't drive but if I was knocked down by a fast bike or car I could still be killed or badly injured.


hopefully your not one of the cyclists who rides very fast in the dark with no lights on his bike.

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Quite a few :hihi: Good one. How many is it as a % of deaths caused by cars?


who cares, I don't drive but if I was knocked down by a fast bike or car I could still be killed or badly injured.

Who cares? People with functioning brains who like to base their opinions on actual facts and reasons, rather than knee-jerk prejudice.


So the fact that the percentage of deaths caused by cyclists is miniscule in comparison to deaths caused by motorists, would be very relevant to them, as, when it comes to demanding resources to address problems, they would want to prioritize tackling problems that cause large numbers of death, over problems that cause very, very, few deaths.

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To all cyclists who think they can ride on footways(pavements)i suggest they look at section72 1832 highways act they might get a shock


1832 :)


"If any person shall wilfully ride upon any footpath or causeway by the side of any road made or set apart for the use or accommodation of foot passengers; or shall wilfully lead or drive any horse, ass, sheep, mule, swine, or cattle or carriage of any description, or any truck or sledge, upon any such footpath or causeway; or shall tether any horse, ass, mule, swine, or cattle, on any highway, so as to suffer or permit the tethered animal to be thereon."


Contemporary stuff :lol:


If some motorists on here, especially those who bitch about cyclists riding 2 abreast, looked at some up to date advice from the Derbyshire police, they might get a shock, i.e.


It may come as a surprise to most drivers but cyclists have as much right as drivers to take up the entire lane. You will often see cyclists riding side-by-side, and you, as a driver, may think they’re being selfish by doing so. But the fact is the cyclist is actually reducing the risk of having an accident; it’s the safest way for them to cycle, particularly if there’s a blind bend, a narrowing of the road, a high risk junction, pinch point or traffic lights ahead.

Cyclists should never cycle in the gutter as it gives no room for avoiding obstacles and leaves no room to fall if an accident occurs, increasing the risk of falling into the road and potentially under the wheels of a vehicle.

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I cycle to and from work every morning and afternoon. I obey the rules of the road and find it frustrating how many cyclists can not do the same. I tend to think it's the majority giving the minority a bad name.

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who cares, I don't drive but if I was knocked down by a fast bike or car I could still be killed or badly injured.


hopefully your not one of the cyclists who rides very fast in the dark with no lights on his bike.


No, I ride fast with lights on the road.


But personally I care about knowing the relative risks of things and keeping it all in perspective. You're far more likely to be killed by a car.

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