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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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As a seasoned cyclist, I agree with the OPs sentiments entirely.


You've got to bear in mind that that sort of stupidity from a cyclist is likely to result in serious injury to themselves , whereas when you get drivers doing it, it is more likely to result in injury to someone else.


Yes, cyclists do collide with pedestrians and I would encourage anyone to whom this has happened to report it as a RTC. There will doubtless be lots of anecdotal evidence (forum users who've been hit by a bike on pavement). I have no idea how widespread a problem this actually is; you can only assess this once statistics start getting collected properly. Until that happens, don't expect any policy change as regards anything that might improve standards of cycling.


I was knocked down by a motorised wheelchair on a tram. Didn't dare report it, I thought it would not be taken seriously. I have less respect for the rights of wheelchair users on public transport and pavements as a result. I do not expect that policy will change with regard to scooters and wheelchairs on the pavements as the disabled lobby is far too vocal, as is the cycle lobby with regard to the road. I cycle, I drive, the behaviour of many cyclists is lousy and gives us a bad name.

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Quite a few :hihi: Good one. How many is it as a % of deaths caused by cars?



who cares, I don't drive but if I was knocked down by a fast bike or car I could still be killed or badly injured.


hopefully your not one of the cyclists who rides very fast in the dark with no lights on his bike.


I ride fast because I ride my bike for fitness not fun, do you expect me to put a basket on the bars and pedal merrily along.

As a cyclist who does ride hard I make sure I'm in full control of the bike and aware that theres people around who may be walking and I act accordingly but as a pedestrian you also have to take due care when you step out onto the road.

Lamb Hill at Bradfield is a typical danger zone for both cyclist and pedestrian and have to shout "Bike Coming" quite a lot because its a popular spot for walkers.

Some of them growl because they may have to move in to the edge to let me through when there in groups but the roads for everyone including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians

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Implementing the 3E's of Education, Engineering and Enforcement are critical to social systems and you see everyday people pushing the boundaries. They just have to be educated of the consequences or face them.

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I cycle to and from work every morning and afternoon. I obey the rules of the road and find it frustrating how many cyclists can not do the same. I tend to think it's the majority giving the minority a bad name.


Because they either dont know or refuse to adhere to road rules and safety. They think it does not apply to them.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 11:32 ----------


Are you not going to say who? Is it a a secret?


Everyone can see who.


---------- Post added 10-05-2015 at 11:34 ----------


As to why some cyclists use mountain bikes on the road, whilst generally slower and heavier, many find them more comfortable and easier to ride.


Lot of hills. Mtb is a good option.

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Onewheeldave why dont you read the quotes of derbyshire police they dont say anything about riding on the pavement.and i agree they have every right to be on the ROAD not on the PAVEMENT and ignoring the rules of the road one more thing do cyclists have to be insured if not who pays for the damage if caused by a cyclist, if caused by a car i know who pays then.

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This afternoon I was on the 51 bus and when the bus pulled up at the bus stop on Hollinsend road the passengers who were getting off had to step back as an adult cyclist was coming down the pavement which is quite narrow and he had to brake sharply to avoid them so he must not have been concentrating for him not to realise that people would be getting off a bus when it stops at a bus stop and there was no one to get on

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Before this one turns into some crazy rant about which party are to blame (motorists or cyclists), I am not trying to persecute cyclists plural, only a certain percentage of cyclists and if anything I am more worried about the welfare of these cyclists if anything as I feel the antics that I have witnessed could eventually find them injured at the very least.


I work in a position where driving plays a large percentage in my daily role. I spend a large percentage of my working week on the roads in and around the city and I don't know whether it coincides with the pleasant change in the weather but lately I have noticed a different sort of cyclist on the road. At the first glance these cyclists obviously don't appear to be seasoned cyclists as they don't have models of bikes designed to be used on the road on a daily basis and they don't wear waterproof / cycling clothing. Most importantly though they seem very naive to the highway code and the dangers surrounding them whilst on the roads.


Take for example Penistone road only yesterday. One cyclist on a bike that without expertise in my opinion was more suited to off road cycling. He joined the carriageway up by the college at Hillsborough despite the fact that he had a nice clear cycle path to cycle along. My gripe isn't that he joined the carriageway but the manner in which he made his way along the carriageway starting off at the curbside and regularly switching into the middle of the road between cars in order to try an overtake cars. This cyclist never once took care to look around him as he veered in and out of motorists and on two occasions cars had to brake to accommodate his ridiculously hazardous antics. In fact if the Skoda Fabia driver is reading this I salute you for your perception and reactions when this cyclist cut you up as if you hadn't had your wits about you, the cyclist would have come a cropper.


Then we have the other (at least) half a dozen cyclists that I have seen over the last week or so, again weaving in and out of carriageways. Regularly disappearing in blind spots, tailgating cars ridiculous closely, switching between pavements and carriageways without looking around for oncoming motorists, RUNNING RED LIGHTS at junctions narrowly missing oncoming traffic.


The actions are ridiculously careless and could see you severely injured at a bare minimum. Is it really worth it? Do you value 2 the potential 2 minutes that you might shave off your journey in favour of your own life?


I am all for cycling. I'm not a cyclist personally but in my professional I can appreciate the benefits that cycling has when it comes to fitness and I am sure that cycling has many other benefits. I am not knocking cyclists as a whole, seasoned cyclists execute their daily commute with skill, common sense and in full compliance with the basics of the highway code. Unfortunately as with motorists you have a minority who simply shouldn't be on the road without further training.


If you are one of these cyclists! Please think twice! When you veer around behind me or suddenly cut me up from my blind side from nowhere or suddenly appear in front of me at a junction which should be clear due to lights.....I can't see you, I don't know you are there! And whilst I drive with caution and with a perception of potential hazards around me, sometimes these things are inevitable and it wouldn't be any fault of my own. I don't want to have to live with the fact that I have severely injured a cyclist or worse. Please, please, please Think twice!


users of push bikes should have upper age limit.. any cyclist wanting to use the roads should be over 22 years old and should be restricted MOTOR bikes of 250cc. thus having all the basics to use the roads,, ie tax test insurance , and be liable to all the laws of the road :rant:


any one below this age should be classed as children and the parents should hold 3rd party insurance for them !

beyond this no push bike should be allowed on the road! :hihi::hihi:

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