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The antics of certain cyclists in Sheffield.

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Onewheeldave why dont you read the quotes of derbyshire police they dont say anything about riding on the pavement.and i agree they have every right to be on the ROAD not on the PAVEMENT and ignoring the rules of the road one more thing do cyclists have to be insured if not who pays for the damage if caused by a cyclist, if caused by a car i know who pays then.


I looked back through the thread and now the 'quotes of Derbyshire police' make sense.


When I looked up on google, the top hit for 'cyclist quotes of Derbyshire police' was for a naked cyclist holding up traffic on the A6.


Second, third and fourth hits referred to a fatal accidents involving cyclists showing the gravity of the situation......


Welder1, if you can find any statistics showing that cyclists cause enough damage every year, across the country as a whole then maybe you'd have a real argument in favour of requiring cycle insurance. You could then take this to your local MP and ultimately the transport secretary if you feel so strongly about it. Might achieve more than spouting off on an internet forum.

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In the spirit of balance, over the last 2 mornings I've had 1 van overtake me whilst I was indicating right, dangerous and stupid. 1 pedestrian step out in front of me onto the road because they didn't look, and one cyclist come around a junction on the wrong side of the road towards me.

So that's 1 moron in each category.


Of course the van could have easily killed me, the other two would more than likely just caused bruises and scrapes if I hadn't avoided them.

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Onewheeldave why dont you read the quotes of derbyshire police they dont say anything about riding on the pavement.and i agree they have every right to be on the ROAD not on the PAVEMENT and ignoring the rules of the road one more thing do cyclists have to be insured if not who pays for the damage if caused by a cyclist, if caused by a car i know who pays then.


I did read it- I was the one who posted the link, and quoted this from it-


It may come as a surprise to most drivers but cyclists have as much right as drivers to take up the entire lane. You will often see cyclists riding side-by-side, and you, as a driver, may think they’re being selfish by doing so. But the fact is the cyclist is actually reducing the risk of having an accident; it’s the safest way for them to cycle, particularly if there’s a blind bend, a narrowing of the road, a high risk junction, pinch point or traffic lights ahead.

Cyclists should never cycle in the gutter as it gives no room for avoiding obstacles and leaves no room to fall if an accident occurs, increasing the risk of falling into the road and potentially under the wheels of a vehicle.




You're right that it doesn't mention bikes on the pavement- why would it?

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The cyclist. It really is very straightforward.


For a motorist with comprehensive insurance plus legal cover it will be pretty straightforward to recover costs from a cyclist. It's not that straightforward if the party at a loss doesn't have legal cover/insurance of their own, if the cyclist doesn't have insurance (many in fact do) and doesn't pay up voluntarily.


But, as a matter of interest, does anyone know what the cost of RTCs caused by cyclists actually is? I suspect people are getting het up over a small matter in the grand scheme of things.

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Given the evidence it seems more likely that poor cycling would result in a car killing the cyclist, than the car crashing in an attempt to avoid the cyclist... So you're worrying about something that doesn't happen.

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So you're stating that no cyclist ever has caused an accident? Interesting, and you also ssem to assume that any driver would head for the cyclist and not try and avoid them? And its cyclists always tarred with the same brush?

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