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Your Views On Life?

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firenight? Is finite the word you're after? Just trying to help :)


I would never have guess that, thanks.


I try to make my own happiness, not doing too well at the moment, but I am sure I will get thru it.

Its only the happiness that I had a few months ago, that makes me feel sad.

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We are born ,live and die our existence is firenight. What are views on life and what makes you get though life? ::)


I look forward to bon firenight but living for it is a bit OTT.


Views on life? Happy to have been given the opportunity but not to happy at it passing. It's far too short.

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Take it one day at a time - don't think about yesterday and try not to think about tomorrow. Don't let people upset you with their words or actions and never be persuaded by other peoples' opinions


Please tell me what planet I need to live on to accept this advice?:huh:

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