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How can we trust social services

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You can't trust social services, why should you, they are humans just like the rest of us. Ideally like all the services they perform their role with skill and managed judgement, the reality is as we have seen, quite different.


Going against the social services is like going against jimmy saville is his prime, your not going to get anywhere.

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You can't trust social services, why should you, they are humans just like the rest of us. Ideally like all the services they perform their role with skill and managed judgement, the reality is as we have seen, quite different.


Going against the social services is like going against jimmy saville is his prime, your not going to get anywhere.


But thats what annoys me. If it was one person then you'd understand it being human error however we are dealing with a multiagency response which means alot of people have allowed this peadophile back where he can attack again.

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But thats what annoys me. If it was one person then you'd understand it being human error however we are dealing with a multiagency response which means alot of people have allowed this peadophile back where he can attack again.

I agree with your main thesis but let me ask: have you ever worked in the organising of a large corporation? Individual humanity doesn't get a look in. The whole thing is run according to sets of rules, most of which are intended to keep the spend within the budget. Also there are the employee's unions whose goal is to maximise the living quality of its members. Unlike workers in a large corporation however, we are the social services customers. We must stand up and be counted. Don't complain, get inside and alter from within.

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How can we trust social services when they allow this to happen




Before you start frothing and slagging off a group of people who as a whole do an enormous amount of good in protecting young people from harm, you might like to consider a few things.


a) Do you consider the Daily Star a reliable news source?


b) You are only getting one side of the story.


c) As the council spokesman said "This is a complex, challenging and highly unusual case and the county council is acutely aware of its responsibilities to keep children safe."

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