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Minimal or hoarder

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I've seen quite a few converted vans, campers and things.


They're alrite for a weekend away but really not great to actually want to live in.

Would need daily maintenance to keep clean, just from all the dirt, hair, sweat and dust that falls off people.


Which is kinda hard considering you've no room for a vacuum cleaner, or a washing machine, or any of that stuff.

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It would be great if someone had a clearout for me.
By the account of family and friends who have solicited my help for doing just that, I'm quite "terrifying" at clearing stuff out. My wife tends to use "ruthless". So use at your own peril! :hihi:


I'm fairly minimalist/adept of the 'Nordic' style, unsurprisingly enough :D


Often as not (particularly come spring time) I'll promulgate a temporary "1 in 2 out" rule that supersedes the default "1 in 1 out" rule. Useful sub-rules include e.g. 'not worn for over 12 months = out', 'not used for over 12 months = out', 'malfunctioning, or not sent for repairs in past 3 months = out', 'in attic and untouched for past 2 years = out' <etc.>


Most stuff goes to local charity shops (Bluebell a long-time favourite), the rest at the local skip-site.

Edited by L00b
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By the account of family and friends who have solicited my help for doing just that, I'm quite "terrifying" at clearing stuff out. My wife tends to use "ruthless". So use at your own peril! :hihi:


I'm fairly minimalist/adept of the 'Nordic' style, unsurprisingly enough :D


Often as not (particularly come spring time) I'll promulgate a temporary "1 in 2 out" rule that supersedes the default "1 in 1 out" rule. Useful sub-rules include e.g. 'not worn for over 12 months = out', 'not used for over 12 months = out', 'malfunctioning, or not sent for repairs in past 3 months = out', 'in attic and untouched for past 2 years = out' <etc.>


Most stuff goes to local charity shops (Bluebell a long-time favourite), the rest at the local skip-site.



Go LOOb - I like your style.


I'm the declutterer in our house, the Other Half's the hoarder, although he's not too bad. I wouldn't like to think what kind of tip we'd be living in if I didn't keep on top of things though.


By the way, I reckon the hoarding instinct runs in families, from what I've seen.

Edited by Olive
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You would be surprised at the effect clutter has on the mind without the effect being realised.


Ever had a clear-out (wardrbe or garage stuff) and and noticed how good that feels?


Indeed, agree completely. My loft and box room were rammed full of crap and it bothered me; after I cleared them out, as daft as it might sound to some people, it felt like a big weight lifted of my shoulders and I had a clear head. It gave me impetus to do all the home improvements around the house that I'd been putting off.

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Mums not dads a collector my brother omg tv show would love him in slowly working my way thru everything I am fine getting rid of everything but my clothes then I actually get panicky I'm getting through everything one bag at a time and trying not to fetch more in I've even top people to stop passing me items as makes me feel overwhelmed by stuff it may be a point to mention I suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome which makes every little task seem harder I don't do it all at once as it makes me feel panicky

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