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Minimal or hoarder

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I'm fairly minimalist apart from books. I just can't resist 'em.


My neighbour now has a nightmare home (to my eyes) She just keeps on buying ornaments, plates, things to stand on shelves, and things to hang on walls. I don't know how she cleans, it must be like the Forth Bridge, never ending.

The thing is, she is on her own with no husband/children or other family. I shudder to think who will have the job of clearing everything when she dies.

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In America there is a place called ' Slab City' the residents live in camper vans. The people who live there are a mix of Vietnam veterans and drop out's. With economic meltdown many Americans have had their homes foreclosed so had to have alternative places to live so places like Slabs have become popular.

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I too suffer from CFS, Fibromyalgia and a few other health complaints, but every so often I get a small burst of energy and clear something out. Last week it was the cupboard under the stairs, a few weeks before that it was my wardrobe of clothes I'm too fat to fit in anymore. I wouldnt say I'm a hoarder, but I'm no minimalist either

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