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Can Sheffield Forumers predict the election?

How will you vote in the election May 7th 2015  

175 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote in the election May 7th 2015

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrat
    • SNP (Yes I know we won't actually get a vote for these)
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Other

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this election will be like the last one a hung parliament. until one of the parties comes up with a manifesto and mean what they say. and no empty promises if they say they are going to put more money into the NHS, increase the police force, fi re service, and ambulance. stop immigration from eastern Europe, stop benefits for those who don't contribute to the countries economy x

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The main thing is we have keep the SNP out of any involvement at all.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 23:13 ----------


I wonder how many people have already voted via a postal ballot?

I have!!!!!!!!!!

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The move toward SNP north of the border has hit labour hard.I feel many still hold them accountable for so much uncontrolled immigration last time they had power (was it 3.5 MILLION),plus their failure to spot the banks mugging us all,is enough to put off voters in the middle ground,plus the fact they dont seem to take immigration seriously once again.

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this election will be like the last one a hung parliament. until one of the parties comes up with a manifesto and mean what they say. and no empty promises if they say they are going to put more money into the NHS, increase the police force, fi re service, and ambulance. stop immigration from eastern Europe, stop benefits for those who don't contribute to the countries economy x


There already is one that covers most of it.

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Id like UKIP to get a large voting , But think Labour will win it anyway


---------- Post added 04-05-2015 at 23:57 ----------


Wouldn't mind betting the Labour lot will still get voted in over Rotherham despite all that's gone on.


:hihi: True still think many will vote labour there

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My postal vote was sent last week. I used my vote for the local UKip candidate.

It's a wasted vote sadly, because if you varnished a cow pat and put a Labour badge on it, it would be voted into Parliament representing Labour in my area.


New Liebour - ruined the economy last time in.


CONservatives - determined to take brass from the invalids and poor.


LibDems - would make a pact with the Devil, if it got them into Government.


Greens - just a joke Party, full of tree huggers and plastic sandal wearers.


SNP - we can't vote for them - but are a threat to our Democracy.


All the rest except UKip, of no interest to any one.


UKip - Will push through a vote on the debacle that is the EU. That's enough to get my vote.



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I too used my postal vote in favour of ukip. I wish they had a chance of gaining any seats in Sheffield, but the reality is labour have such a stranglehold on almost all seats here that no other party stands a chance.


Why people still think they are worth voting for is beyond my understanding, given the disastrous mess they made of the job of government last time round.

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As much as us UKIP supporters would love a landslide victory we know its not going to happen but in reality i think we will surprise many with the number of seats gained and predict we will be in a coalition with the conservatives.

the country needs a huge boot up the backside and i believe its coming to a town near you soon:D


You know what that even UKIP realise that they're only going to get 3 or 4 seats?

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