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Blind spots - an appeal

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If you drive your vehicle into a cyclist who is filtering on the left then you bear the responsibility for your failure to pay due care and attention. Your camera will provide the evidence to secure your conviction.


Others will explain in detail about why your attitude is so terribly dangerously wrong.


Undertaking isnt filtering. Undertaking is dangerous riding and it will the the undertaking cyclist who would be riding into me, not the other way around so nice try at putting words in my mouth. I always look thanks thats how i spot these idiots and my completely clean license (not one point or endorsement of any kind ever) is proof of that and also proof that my attitude is spot on :)

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to get where?


Does it matter?


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 12:22 ----------


Was the motorist turning left when the accident occurred?


I find, as a car driver, that some cyclists tend to "undertake", which is a dangerous (illegal?) procedure.

Are cyclists considered to be correct in "undertaking" even if there is a cycle/bus lane on the left?


Ecclesall Road is a typical example of this, especially in the "rush hour".


GAHHHH, why are so many motorists ignorant of the law and the HC?


YES, if they are in a cycle lane they can pass traffic on the left hand side, and YES if they are not in a cycle lane they can still pass traffic on the left hand side (filtering).


Ecclesall Road, the one with the massive bus/cycle lane? Are you surprised that the vehicles that can use that lane proceed down it when the traffic in the normal lane to the right is stationary?


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 12:25 ----------


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault. Ive been undertook whilst making a turn by such an idiot. Ive also seen it happen plenty.

Im glad i now have cameras in my car as i know i drive safe and careful so if some cyclist ends up a statistic because of their own actions, i wont be blamed and i wont lose my licenses, no claims, liberty for someone else's actions.




Cyclists are entitled to undertake and it's perfectly normal and safe to filter up the side of slow or stationary traffic.

I wouldn't filter past a car that was indicating of course, that would be stupid.


If you drive like you post about cyclists you will almost certainly be in the wrong and whilst I hope you don't kill someone, if you do, I hope you never sleep at night again thinking about it.

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I really hope you lose your license. Perhaps I'll catch you on my camera and be able to send the evidence to the police.


Stop being so bitter theres no chance of that. Im just to careful and responsible. I need to be with all the unlicensed cyclists with no training or insurance on the roads :rolleyes:

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Hes not real so if you put all your hope in him when your cycling on the roads your on a one way trip to disaster.


If he is not real and you can't put your hope in it you better get a new national anthem while driving around. "God save the queen"

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If he is not real and you can't put your hope in it you better get a new national anthem while driving around. "God save the queen"


I totally agree and would love to see both god and the queen dropped from the anthem.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 12:47 ----------


Could you two get a room? :D


Theres no chance of that. He would arrive late and sweaty with stories about how car drivers are out to get him and hes even sure he saw someone with a 'I Hate Cyclone' sticker in their back window.

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Undertaking isnt filtering.


Refer to Highway Code 88, 160 and 211. If you wish to redefine "filtering" then liaise directly with its authors - I cannot rewrite it for you.


it will the the undertaking cyclist who would be riding into me


Case law tends to find that both parties are equally to blame as each should have anticipated the actions of the other. This assumes that you were indicating well in advance of executing your manoeuvre. Lack of indicating, as many do when suddenly turning left, would land the culpability with the driver.

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Stop being so bitter theres no chance of that. Im just to careful and responsible. I need to be with all the unlicensed cyclists with no training or insurance on the roads :rolleyes:


You don't sound careful and responsible, you don't even understand the highway code.

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