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Blind spots - an appeal

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You don't sound careful and responsible, .


Then you arent listening. Clean license with no points (ever) and never once made an insurance claim on my policy. The DVLA and my insurer must think im ding something right.

Now stop being bitter :)

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Yes, I saw that. You've never been caught, well done.


Have you now understood that cyclists can pass on the left and if you hit one you will be at fault?


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 13:41 ----------


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault.


This is you being responsible and safe... Right.

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This is you being responsible and safe... Right.


Im responsible enough to never hit a biker or cyclists no mater how hard some of them try, yes. What with that (no accidents), the DVLA and my insurer being happy with me and my driving, SYP see no need to stop me and my passengers having no issues its not looking to good for you is it? UI suggest you pick up your rattle and go play in some sand :hihi:

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So you now understand that cyclists may filter up the left hand side of slow or stationary traffic?


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault.

Contrary to what you said a few minutes ago?

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I'm actually shocked Timeh that you think a cyclist who is legitimately on the left side of a car is stupid, and if hit and killed it would be his fault???


By your logic, had my son be killed by the idiot incompetent driver, it would have been his own fault! Thankfully you don't make the laws of the road!


The driver who turned left in front of my son (who was 'undertaking' :rolleyes: him) will soon be in court, charged with a number of driving offences. Thankfully the police do NOT share your stupid beliefs.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 14:46 ----------


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault. Ive been undertook whilst making a turn by such an idiot. Ive also seen it happen plenty.

Im glad i now have cameras in my car as i know i drive safe and careful so if some cyclist ends up a statistic because of their own actions, i wont be blamed and i wont lose my licenses, no claims, liberty for someone else's actions.


You would be liable if you turned left in front of him. Your dashboard camera will be your downfall..

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Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault. Ive been undertook whilst making a turn by such an idiot. Ive also seen it happen plenty.

Im glad i now have cameras in my car as i know i drive safe and careful so if some cyclist ends up a statistic because of their own actions, i wont be blamed and i wont lose my licenses, no claims, liberty for someone else's actions.


Oh, the irony... You post utter nonsense littered with errors and yet others are morons...

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I'm actually shocked Timeh that you think a cyclist who is legitimately on the left side of a car is stupid,


I didnt say that. Cyclists who undertake when they can clearly see someone is turning is what i was getting at. It is clear from the context of my post and subsequent posts that this was my inference. However i do apologise as i wasnt aware i had to explain things like i was talking to a group of 4 year olds.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:06 ----------


Oh, the irony... You post utter nonsense littered with errors and yet others are morons...

Oh yes the irony. Which reminds me, ive left the iron on.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:07 ----------



You would be liable if you turned left in front of him. Your dashboard camera will be your downfall..


Will it?. lol


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:08 ----------


By your logic, had my son be killed by the idiot incompetent driver, it would have been his own fault! Thankfully you don't make the laws of the road!




By yur twisted logic maybe, not mine. Unless you can back that up by pointing to where i said that. Dont think just because your son had an accident your suddenly some authority be it moral or otherwise. If you cant even read properly without putting some sick spin on it then i feel sorry for you.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:10 ----------



Contrary to what you said a few minutes ago?


One clean license and full no claims Do dah! Do Dah

One clean license and full no claims Oh Do Dah Day!

Get over it and stop behaving like a child.

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Oh dear, you really are getting in a flap now aren't you? It's no twisted logic my dear, you said that a cyclist undertaking a car is at fault and deserves to die. I am pointing out that this is EXACTLY what happened in my son's case.


Please point out where I claim to be an expert? All I have done is pull you up on a ridiculous and offensive statement which is also factually wrong. :)


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:21 ----------


I didnt say that. Cyclists who undertake when they can clearly see someone is turning is what i was getting at. It is clear from the context of my post and subsequent posts that this was my inference. However i do apologise as i wasnt aware i had to explain things like i was talking to a group of 4 year olds.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:06 ----------


Oh yes the irony. Which reminds me, ive left the iron on.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:07 ----------



Will it?. lol


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:08 ----------



By yur twisted logic maybe, not mine. Unless you can back that up by pointing to where i said that. Dont think just because your son had an accident your suddenly some authority be it moral or otherwise. If you cant even read properly without putting some sick spin on it then i feel sorry for you.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:10 ----------



One clean license and full no claims Do dah! Do Dah

One clean license and full no claims Oh Do Dah Day!

Get over it and stop behaving like a child.


Hahahahahaha! Behaving like a child? Hmmmm..... :rolleyes:

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Oh dear, you really are getting in a flap now aren't you? It's no twisted logic my dear, you said that a cyclist undertaking a car is at fault and deserves to die. I am pointing out that this is EXACTLY what happened in my son's case.



A flap? lol. You may be (hence the caps ;) )but im just fine. I stand by everything ive said, if you find fault with it then fine just try and keep it civil then more people will listen.

It wont make you right, its just more people will be able to hear you. Now, take a big breath and calm down a bit :)


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:29 ----------




Hahahahahaha! Behaving like a child? Hmmmm..... :rolleyes:


Yep, your angry, this post sort of confirms it. Over done 'haha's' betray your true feelings. Well seeing as i can see this degenerating into a name calling exercise (you seem quite volatile to me) ill leave this thread and go do something else.


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One clean license and full no claims Do dah! Do Dah

One clean license and full no claims Oh Do Dah Day!

Get over it and stop behaving like a child.


Jeez, we've all got a clean license, it's not difficult.


You didn't say anything about cyclists passing indicating vehicles, you've entirely made that up in order to save face.


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:41 ----------


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault.


You stand by everything you've said. Despite being demonstrably wrong and potentially having lethal consequences. :huh:

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