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Blind spots - an appeal

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I didnt say that. Cyclists who undertake when they can clearly see someone is turning is what i was getting at. It is clear from the context of my post and subsequent posts that this was my inference. However i do apologise as i wasnt aware i had to explain things like i was talking to a group of 4 year olds.


No- wasn't clear at all.


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault. Ive been undertook whilst making a turn by such an idiot. Ive also seen it happen plenty.

Im glad i now have cameras in my car as i know i drive safe and careful so if some cyclist ends up a statistic because of their own actions, i wont be blamed and i wont lose my licenses, no claims, liberty for someone else's actions.


I think looking at the actual quote it's easy to see how the misunderstanding arose.


But, after a few posts back and forth, it must have been obvious to you that people were reading your words in a different way to which you intended. At which point, you could very easily have put it straight, instead of which we got a string of things like-


Im responsible enough to never hit a biker or cyclists no mater how hard some of them try, yes. What with that (no accidents), the DVLA and my insurer being happy with me and my driving, SYP see no need to stop me and my passengers having no issues its not looking to good for you is it? UI suggest you pick up your rattle and go play in some sand :hihi:


why not just explain there'd been a misunderstanding, and, what it was. Debate is based on communication, after all.


Still, I for one, am very glad that you do realise that cyclists passing on the left side is totally legal and OK, cos, I can assure you, there are drivers out there who think it's not. (Along with drivers who believe that cyclists must use an available cycle lane along with a host of other blatant untruths).

Edited by onewheeldave
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I think looking at the actual quote it's easy to see how the misunderstanding arose.


But, after a few posts back and forth, it must have been obvious to you that people were reading your words in a different way to which you intended. At which point, you could very easily have put it straight, instead of which we got a string of things like-




why not just explain there'd been a misunderstanding, and, what it was. Debate is based on communication, after all.


I can accept my part in the way things progress but i tried explaining something like that on here before. One of my first posts in fact and not long after joining I was called a liar, a troll and told i had been busted and was only trying to save face. I wont go down that road again. If people want to misinterpret something then run with it like an Ethiopian long distance runner then they can do. They just better now expect me to do them any favours by explaining why they are looking so foolish.

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A flap? lol. You may be (hence the caps ;) )but im just fine. I stand by everything ive said, if you find fault with it then fine just try and keep it civil then more people will listen.

It wont make you right, its just more people will be able to hear you. Now, take a big breath and calm down a bit :)


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 15:29 ----------



Yep, your angry, this post sort of confirms it. Over done 'haha's' betray your true feelings. Well seeing as i can see this degenerating into a name calling exercise (you seem quite volatile to me) ill leave this thread and go do something else.



But you didn't leave did you? Why would I be angry? I'm glad I now know not to over do my ha ha's again. :confused:

However,credit where credit is due - that was a great example of deflecting away from the point. It is allowed to just admit that you got it wrong you know. :wave::wave::wave:

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Cyclists who undertake when they can clearly see someone is turning is what i was getting at. It is clear from the context of my post and subsequent posts that this was my inference.


Sorry, that's not clear at all. You wrote:


Cyclists who undertake are morons and if they get hit its their own fault. If they lose their life again its their own stupid fault.


It's clear that the chorus of condemnation has made you reconsider and add "clearly see someone is turning" in an attempt to save face.


No-one agrees with you. The courts do not agree with you. Case law does not agree with you.


You believe that Gnomi's son is a moron who deserves to lose his life. You are on your own with that.

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I can accept my part in the way things progress but i tried explaining something like that on here before. One of my first posts in fact and not long after joining I was called a liar, a troll and told i had been busted and was only trying to save face. I wont go down that road again. If people want to misinterpret something then run with it like an Ethiopian long distance runner then they can do. They just better now expect me to do them any favours by explaining why they are looking so foolish.


If everyone misinterprets what you've written, who do you think is the one that looks foolish when you claim it meant something different?

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I can accept my part in the way things progress but i tried explaining something like that on here before. One of my first posts in fact and not long after joining I was called a liar, a troll and told i had been busted and was only trying to save face. I wont go down that road again. If people want to misinterpret something then run with it like an Ethiopian long distance runner then they can do. They just better now expect me to do them any favours by explaining why they are looking so foolish.


Or, if you find that people are often misinterpreting what you think you said, perhaps look at improving your communication skills?

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If everyone misinterprets what you've written, who do you think is the one that looks foolish when you claim it meant something different?


Or, if you find that people are often misinterpreting what you think you said, perhaps look at improving your communication skills?


:hihi: I bet you two were up all night thinking of those replies :D

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:hihi: I bet you two were up all night thinking of those replies :D


I bet they did not waste any time on it, your stuff is not worth thinking about.


---------- Post added 29-04-2015 at 10:42 ----------


I can accept my part in the way things progress but i tried explaining something like that on here before. One of my first posts in fact and not long after joining I was called a liar, a troll and told i had been busted and was only trying to save face. I wont go down that road again. If people want to misinterpret something then run with it like an Ethiopian long distance runner then they can do. They just better now expect me to do them any favours by explaining why they are looking so foolish.


Your behaviour matches trolling very much, maybe there is some truth in these accusations you mention.

You seem to get great pleasure out of winding others up and making them angry by pretending you are against them. There is a clear display of great pleasure on your part that others could be thinking about you all night long, it gives psychological satisfaction.


This topic is about a sincere request from a cyclist towards drivers to become more aware of their blind spots on the roads.

That is far more important than the silly games that have been played here.

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I bet they did not waste any time on it, your stuff is not worth thinking about.


I'm with you Dutch. I thought that from the contents of the first post we might be able to have a sensible contribution to road safety, and hopefully to prevent at least one further accident.


That was the only reason I allowed myself to be drawn in to a cycling thread with a couple of posts earlier (37 & 47).


I should have known it would descend into so much drivel yet again. :(

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From cycling and motorcycling I have become so used to doing the "lifesaver" over the shoulder glance that I do it when driving a car also.


Amazed how many cyclists don't do this, most accidents and near misses i have seen could have been avoided if they had done a lifesaver check.

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