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G4S - A4E - Staffline all connected, Staffline buy A4E for £35 million

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An employee of a private company goes to become an employee of another private company. Several years later they buy out someone else. Happens all the time in the world of business.


What the hell is the connection. G4S has bugger all to do with A4E and up to recent buyout A4E had bugger all to do with Staffline. In fact they were industry rivals.


Tin foil hat time maybe?

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I never did see the point of A4e, as they were doing the same job as the job centre did.


Nevertheless, Emma wotserface should be congratulated for having the foresight to employ a local Labour MP and minister as director of the company.


Congratulations to Mr Blunkett too. Enjoy your publically funded retirement!

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I never did see the point of A4e, as they were doing the same job as the job centre did.

Nevertheless, Emma wotserface should be congratulated for having the foresight to employ a local Labour MP and minister as director of the company.


Congratulations to Mr Blunkett too. Enjoy your publically funded retirement!


A Parliamentary investigation found that A4e, and other work programmes were worst than useless. Their clients had a lower rate of being in work than if they had not bothered



Nice little earner for the private contractors and their parliamentary friends though

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A Parliamentary investigation found that A4e, and other work programmes were worst than useless. Their clients had a lower rate of being in work than if they had not bothered


No no no no no, that can't be true!


Have you not read the Pavlovian response of Maggie Thatcher's flying monkeys?


Private enterprise = good


Public services = bad




The funniest thing about this entire farce is that I never had a high opinion of G4S either, and them overpaying for the shambles that is A4e simply cements that.

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An employee of a private company goes to become an employee of another private company. Several years later they buy out someone else. Happens all the time in the world of business.


What the hell is the connection. G4S has bugger all to do with A4E and up to recent buyout A4E had bugger all to do with Staffline. In fact they were industry rivals.


Tin foil hat time maybe?


The agency employs people, often doing low paid work, often on a Zero Hours Contract without proper job security.


A4E on the other hand is supposed to help people back to work, and is paid when people find work. They have the power to sanction people if they do not do as A4E dictates.


There is a massive conflict of interest here.


Considering that A4E has already been found guilty of fraud, there is also another danger, whereby the government can be scammed out of money via fake jobs, in addition to people being forced to take very poor quality jobs under threat of sanction.


G4S are an MNC that have been winning lots of government contracts without good reason and their highly paid staff mingle with others in the establishment - there is a case here of 'jobs for the boys' and the old school network can be visibly seen.




You wouldn't pay doctors a bonus for killing people and then give them the ability to force the relatives of murdered to use a funeral company owned by the doctor and funded by the state would you?

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