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Welcome To Ghost Town Of Varosha.

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I was born in Varosha (Maras) the town is on the Northern coast of Cyprus until 1974 it was a top class resort . Sophie Loren had a villa there, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor holidays at this resort along with the rich and famous of the time. But Cyprus was a troubled country with Greeks and Turks wanting to do their own thing and in 1974 Turkey invaded as the Turkish Army got near Varosha the inhabitants fled leaving everything behide fleeing south. The Turks arrived in Varosha and never left, the town is frozen in time ,garages still have cars which in 1974 were the latest design but in 2015 are classics . One problem no one is allowed to enter this forbidden zone anyone who tries will be shoot on sight Turkish soldiers keep watch and even blow whistles at tourists who try to photo this ghost town . Over the years negotiations have tired to solve the Varosha question but at present no solutions have been found. Did anyone holiday here or even come from Varosha what do you remember?

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I was born in Varosha (Maras) the town is on the Northern coast of Cyprus until 1974 it was a top class resort . Sophie Loren had a villa there, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor holidays at this resort along with the rich and famous of the time. But Cyprus was a troubled country with Greeks and Turks wanting to do their own thing and in 1974 Turkey invaded as the Turkish Army got near Varosha the inhabitants fled leaving everything behide fleeing south. The Turks arrived in Varosha and never left, the town is frozen in time ,garages still have cars which in 1974 were the latest design but in 2015 are classics . One problem no one is allowed to enter this forbidden zone anyone who tries will be shoot on sight Turkish soldiers keep watch and even blow whistles at tourists who try to photo this ghost town . Over the years negotiations have tired to solve the Varosha question but at present no solutions have been found. Did anyone holiday here or even come from Varosha what do you remember?

I remember seeing it as a little kid, I think I remember lots of the doors and window shutters being painted bright colours, does that sound about right?

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Just pointing out that Turkey weren't the only nation which applied for membership of the EU whilst occupying a part of another country. :)
By that logic, several other EU member states shouldn't be in, to begin with.


There is a difference between recent aggressive occupation (such as by Turkey in northern Cyprus, in typical Crimean fashion by more modern standards) and historical inclusion long pre-dating the EU itself.


Turkey won't ever get into the EU so long as its Gvt continues to demonstrate pro-muslim tendencies and aggressively imperils Ata Turk's secular organisation. Oh, and so long as its prison system stays as it is :twisted:

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By that logic, several other EU member states shouldn't be in, to begin with.


There is a difference between recent aggressive occupation :


None of which was the purpose of my post.


I was replying to a particular previous post and pointing out that saying that Turkey shouldn't be considered for membership because they are occupying part of another country didn't stand up to any real scrutiny.


As for the difference between recent aggressive occupation and long term aggressive occupation the only difference is time.

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