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Driving through road works

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Currently I drive to work through road works twice a day that have narrowed the road down to 1 lane and use traffic lights, so traffic from opposite directions use the lane alternately. (A6135 between Renishaw and M1, J30 - though I'm sure this happens in many other places with similar setups).


Recently I was approaching this and the lights changed, the car in front of me went through them on red and I pulled in to wait. Cue the car behind me suddenly overtaking and also going through on red - making the traffic in the opposite direction have to wait for him to pass before they could go.


This isn't the first time I've seen this happen, as another car did the same thing at the end of last week. This time after I'd gone through on green, just before the lights changed, and a BMW overtook about 3 cars to join behind me.


It's just ridiculously inconsiderate driving that not much can be done about. I hate the thought of having a 'police state' as much as anyone else but seeing these things happen frequently makes me think all red lights (including temporary) should have cameras on them...

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