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Baltimore riots

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Go careful Harley, the "reporters" are out there> They can throw out as much spite as us and get away with it.


Just to clarify.


No 'they' can't, whoever 'they' are.


The moderation team do not play favourites and they don't pick on people.


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So if you want to avoid the attention of the moderation team, follow the forum rules and we'll leave you alone.


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If you respond to something then there's a danger of escalation for one, and for another, if we have to remove the post you refer to, then we also have to remove your response and people tend get upset about that, wondering why their post was removed as well.


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i wouldn't give you the satisfaction:roll: of course racism exists, its vile and unnecessary BUT...its nowhere near as prevalent as you make out and people like yourself and your view on life perpetuate it even further:roll:


Don't inhale, you may end up with a mouthful of sand, or poo.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 14:32 ----------


no he made some very good observations:roll: statistics can be moulded to fit agendas and as for the credits on the video they cant be verified? do you believe everything you read?


incidentally which bits were credited to which organisation?


No he didn't, simply because of his "I'll invent something that didn't exist" credibility from other posts on other threads. He does on the other hand mould evidence to fit racist bigoted agenda's...in Black n White too, if you'll excuse the pun.

Edited by skinz
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Don't inhale, you may end up with a mouthful of sand, or poo.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 14:32 ----------



No he didn't, simply because of his "I'll invent something that didn't exist" credibility from other posts on other threads. He does on the other hand mould evidence to fit racist bigoted agenda's...in Black n White too, if you'll excuse the pun.


Why don't you stop your personal abuse and submit something relevant to the discussion? Keyboard bullying wont get you anywhere with me old son.


You don't know much about America that's very clear so you resort to your usual tactics of character assassination because you feel you have to say something no matter how completely useless and worthless it is.


So be happy in your ignorance. Yes America is huge nation of red necked white bigots whose sole purpose is to make life completely miserable for black Americans at every opportunity. They cannot buy homes in places of their choice because the for sale signs outside the homes say "no colored need apply"

Our local restaurants are all segregated as are our places of worship. Our car dealers rub their hands in glee when they see a black customer approaching because they know they're going to charge him another 700 bucks on top of the commission they'll make. That will make up for the big fat discount they gave Johnny White for the brand new truck he bought a half hour earlier


Our local police do a great job of keeping law and order. Little Johnny White Junior next door was seen beating up an elderly person in a parking lot the other day. The cop gave him a stern lecture on not doing that kind of thing in broad daylight and not to do it again anyway. Meanwhile a black man in a car drove up and asked him directions to a local street address. The observant cop immediately knew that the man intended to carry out a robbery somewhere on that street and placed him under arrest.


Yep! It's a tough life alright if you're not white. :hihi:


I only wish that the fellow Marine who probably saved my life back in 1968 could have been white instead of black :sad:


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 16:05 ----------


]Don't inhale' date=' you may end up with a mouthful of sand, or poo[/b'].


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 14:32 ----------



No he didn't, simply because of his "I'll invent something that didn't exist" credibility from other posts on other threads. He does on the other hand mould evidence to fit racist bigoted agenda's...in Black n White too, if you'll excuse the pun.

Edited by Harleyman
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Why don't you stop your personal abuse and submit something relevant to the discussion? Keyboard bullying wont get you anywhere with me old son.


It obviously has considering the so called 'abuse' are actually facts. Being in denial is your issue, not mine. You actually character assassinate yourself, you don't need me, I just chose to remind you ;)..


Careful loading that gun fella, you seem a bit fidgety.

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It obviously has considering the so called 'abuse' are actually facts. Being in denial is your issue, not mine. You actually character assassinate yourself, you don't need me, I just chose to remind you ;)..


Careful loading that gun fella, you seem a bit fidgety.


You're a great one to accuse others of bigotry and racism. You already told me to buzz off the forum as it's only for British people :hihi:


You don't even remember your own posts you pathetic little hippercrit :hihi:


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 17:15 ----------


just heard on the news that the police officers will be charged with homicide and unlawful arrest,well if that's the evidence there is then good justice will be done.

hopefully no more rioting which will do no good.


In a place like Baltimore nothing is guaranteed. It's' a city with a rotten, incompetent administration which has frittered away loads of Federal money which was given to it for drug rehab and job training programs.


Same goes for Detroit

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You're a great one to accuse others of bigotry and racism. You already told me to buzz off the forum as it's only for British people :hihi:


You don't even remember your own posts you pathetic little hippercrit


I remember them well. it was in response to your continued barrage at telling everyone not just me to shut up with American threads. You just didn't understand the irony and thought..oh I'll use that as a racism slur. Fail.


You think the world is that comfortable little golf and pool place you reside in..well it isn't, the reality is racism is a very hot topic..nationwide to be discussed on a Sheffield forum, which again seems ironic when you keep squealing at people to shut up on anything America and invent stuff.


But here you go, the latest..



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:hihi::hihi: :hihi:I wondered how long it would take for someone like you to come along and give me a spelung lessin. Apparently it went right over your head.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 18:59 ----------


I remember them well. it was in response to your continued barrage at telling everyone not just me to shut up with American threads. You just didn't understand the irony and thought..oh I'll use that as a racism slur. Fail.


You think the world is that comfortable little golf and pool place you reside in..well it isn't, the reality is racism is a very hot topic..nationwide to be discussed on a Sheffield forum, which again seems ironic when you keep squealing at people to shut up on anything America and invent stuff.


But here you go, the latest..




I have no power to order anyone to shut up, never have, never will


The police involved will be punished and do jail time. Being an ex-cop in jail is the worst punishment there is. Meanwhile many innocent people have been deprived of their means of income, several homes are now filled with pilfered loot and the mediocre, third rate city of Baltimore has attracted a whole lot of attention it certainly didn't need in the first place

Edited by Harleyman
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