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Baltimore riots

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thugs is what they are nothing more nothing less, no excuse for violence.

its a shame the army wasnt brought in earlier to pre-empt it and no need for the race card to be played:roll:


I agree its same with the thugs in the :ondon riots. Did Rosa Parkes use violence to fight for justice no she did not and she succeeded.


Its just an excuse for thugs to riot and loot.

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I agree its same with the thugs in the :ondon riots. Did Rosa Parkes use violence to fight for justice no she did not and she succeeded.



So what did Rosa Parks do that helps blacks today? Obviously not a lot due to the fact there is still so much racism in America. She was a brave lady but lived in a different time. Her approach would get

or this in todays America

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Like in the Kent State University...?


Whilst as a last resort the Army are useful, they are not a police force and you do sadly get some collatteral damage, if only reputational. Remember when Blair asked them for a bit of security and was rather upset they parked a couple of tanks on the grass at Heathrow?


Blimey that's going back a bit 1970? I think and national guard ? Lessons learnt and the protest wasn't violent!

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I can't believe some of the comments I'm reading on this thread, I actually hope some of them are said in jest and you've just missed out a smiley or something!!


Unless you have walked in the footsteps of an African American and lived their daily lives in poor neighbourhoods, lack of job opportunities and education where they are still treated as second class citizens then I don't think you can throw the 'race card' argument at them!


Peaceful protests do take place so it's not always violence but imagine the years of frustration and having to deal with police brutality on young Black Americans (and white) day in day out, a lot more than what we hear about back in the UK! It must be hard to live that life.


The USA have a lot of catching up to in regards to equality.


Look what they did to the natives! 300yrs on and they are still being controlled, living on reserves with liquor stores on every street corner.

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I can't believe some of the comments I'm reading on this thread, I actually hope some of them are said in jest and you've just missed out a smiley or something!!


Unless you have walked in the footsteps of an African American and lived their daily lives in poor neighbourhoods, lack of job opportunities and education where they are still treated as second class citizens then I don't think you can throw the 'race card' argument at them!


Peaceful protests do take place so it's not always violence but imagine the years of frustration and having to deal with police brutality on young Black Americans (and white) day in day out, a lot more than what we hear about back in the UK! It must be hard to live that life.


The USA have a lot of catching up to in regards to equality.


Look what they did to the natives! 300yrs on and they are still being controlled, living on reserves with liquor stores on every street corner.


oh give me a break:roll::roll::roll: have you seen some of the videos coming out of Baltimore??? really take a look, these people are not protesting they are using as an excuse to do what the hell they want! rioting and looting for the sake of it! what good are they going to achieve, we hear countless times about police brutality against the poor downtrodden blacks, well they aint doing themselves any favours here.

never mind the race card they and you are now throwing in the poverty card?? really and violence will change that??

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oh give me a break:roll::roll::roll: have you seen some of the videos coming out of Baltimore??? really take a look, these people are not protesting they are using as an excuse to do what the hell they want! rioting and looting for the sake of it! what good are they going to achieve, we hear countless times about police brutality against the poor downtrodden blacks, well they aint doing themselves any favours here.

never mind the race card they and you are now throwing in the poverty card?? really and violence will change that??


Me thinks you need to give yourself a break and stop being so closed minded!


It's like no one else in the world is capable of such acts!!!!!!!! Take a look at the video's coming out of Syria!! lets put things into prospective!


Look at the videos from the looting and violence from the London riots! OH and guess what!! they weren't all black!!!



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Me thinks you need to give yourself a break and stop being so closed minded!


It's like no one else in the world is capable of such acts!!!!!!!! Take a look at the video's coming out of Syria!! lets put things into prospective!


Look at the videos from the looting and violence from the London riots! OH and guess what!! they weren't all black!!!




No they may not be a biggot. Look at the London riots and Syria yes despicable acts and I will condemn them. The same way I condemn these thugs in Baltimore. I dont care what colour they are they are despicable for what they are doing.

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