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Baltimore riots

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I have had a pen friend in that area since I was 6 years old. He is the same age as me 40. Since Facebook we keep in touch more frequently. The last few days have been hell for him. The rioters have been getting closer to his neighbourhood the last few nights. Not nice at all.

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It always follows the same pattern. The looters and hooligans take matters into their own hands. Many of the Baltimore rioters were members of the notorious Crips and Bloods gangs. They trash, loot and burn down stores and businesses who people relied on to earn a living. People who never did a black person any harm and perhaps were sympathetic to the guy who died while in police custody.


After the destruction and rioting end and many businesses no longer reopen or relocate elsewhere then the community leaders come out a year or so later on and start complaining to the city that their community needs investment in attracting new business and jobs and it's not fair because members of the community now have to travel too many miles to the nearest supermarket or drug store. Yada yada yada Never changes :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 18:03 ----------


I have had a pen friend in that area since I was 6 years old. He is the same age as me 40. Since Facebook we keep in touch more frequently. The last few days have been hell for him. The rioters have been getting closer to his neighbourhood the last few nights. Not nice at all.


A good case for keeping a weapon handy and making it clear to any troublemakers that he is quite serious about using it if necessary.


During the L.A Watts and south central riots in 1991 the Koreans who own businesses in that area stood on the roof tops of their stores armed with rifles. Needless to say most of their stores survived intact or suffered little damage


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 18:09 ----------


i am glad you are happy now;) maybe you can look up what Armies do as well as kill? they defend protect and restore order, now i know that doesnt fit your leftie psyche ? and as for blacks being killed i am sure the same goes for whites when the law is broken in the states but maybe its more prevalent in black areas???


Dare I say it? You just made an accurate observation

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Me thinks you need to give yourself a break and stop being so closed minded!


It's like no one else in the world is capable of such acts!!!!!!!! Take a look at the video's coming out of Syria!! lets put things into prospective!


Look at the videos from the looting and violence from the London riots! OH and guess what!! they weren't all black!!!




me thinks you need to give your head a wobble love! i am no Bigot.

yes there are many capable of such acts, the LONDON RIOTERS WERE WHITE AND BLACK i never said anything different:roll:

in the Baltimore riots they are Black! intent on creating mayhem for the public and police, oh and incidentally i saw quite a few black officers??

so climb down off your moral " race" horse:suspect:

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Like in the Kent State University...?


Whilst as a last resort the Army are useful, they are not a police force and you do sadly get some collatteral damage, if only reputational. Remember when Blair asked them for a bit of security and was rather upset they parked a couple of tanks on the grass at Heathrow?


Wasn't the Army. It was the State National Guard. Same uniforms, same weapons but a world of difference back in 1970. The National Guard at that time were weekend warriors lacking any serious training and certainly not trained in crowd or riot control

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me thinks you need to give your head a wobble love! i am no Bigot.

yes there are many capable of such acts, the LONDON RIOTERS WERE WHITE AND BLACK i never said anything different:roll:

in the Baltimore riots they are Black! intent on creating mayhem for the public and police, oh and incidentally i saw quite a few black officers??

so climb down off your moral " race" horse:suspect:


First of all don't 'love' me! You patronising twonk!


And I'm not on any 'race' horse! I find some of your comments abhorrent that's all.. Dare I have a different view on things than you? You are not ruler of all so I will say what I see..


Go and educate yourself then come back to me, I can't deal with inpet bigotry comments. Expand your mind and put yourself in the shoes of others.


It's not about what you think is right or wrong but the reasoning as to why situations arise in the first place.

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thugs is what they are nothing more nothing less, no excuse for violence.

its a shame the army wasnt brought in earlier to pre-empt it and no need for the race card to be played:roll:


How can you seriously expect it not be played in a country that's still only a hundred and fifty years post slavery and where there a largely white police force has been killing shedloads of black folk?


If the boot was on the other foot you'd be playing the race card like it was going out of fashion.


While we're st it, what lessons do you think have been learned in the aftermath of the killings at Kent State University?

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First of all don't 'love' me! You patronising twonk!


And I'm not on any 'race' horse! I find some of your comments abhorrent that's all.. Dare I have a different view on things than you? You are not ruler of all so I will say what I see..


Go and educate yourself then come back to me, I can't deal with inpet bigotry comments. Expand your mind and put yourself in the shoes of others.


It's not about what you think is right or wrong but the reasoning as to why situations arise in the first place.


sorry "love" although it does sound like you are on some sort of hobby horse by clearly condoning by words you are saying its acceptable to riot and loot just because you feel your"race" has been wronged:loopy: the situations arise because someone broke the law and resisted it seems , unfortunately he died and the officer must and will be punished, rioting changes NOTHING!


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 20:09 ----------


How can you seriously expect it not be played in a country that's still only a hundred and fifty years post slavery and where there a largely white police force has been killing shedloads of black folk?


If the boot was on the other foot you'd be playing the race card like it was going out of fashion.


While we're st it, what lessons do you think have been learned in the aftermath of the killings at Kent State University?


WHAT A LOAD OF TWADDLE, the police in america are fairly evenly white and black and hispanic in certain areas, hey they even have a black president dontcha know ya all!

white crime is just as bad and whites die when dealing with the police here and america, not often you see a riot.


yes the kent state uni was terrible and totally wrong and the lesson is not to send in untrained at the time young frightened national guard, today they are very different and professional not youngsters out of college.

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sorry "love" although it does sound like you are on some sort of hobby horse by clearly condoning by words you are saying its acceptable to riot and loot just because you feel your"race" has been wronged:loopy: the situations arise because someone broke the law and resisted it seems , unfortunately he died and the officer must and will be punished, rioting changes NOTHING!


Are you just a wind up merchant?


I'm not condoning riots or murder! Look back at my posts and see my comments.


What do you mean by my race by the way? Have you heard yourself?


Do you know what, I've seen quite a few of your posts on other topics and you always seem to argue with everyone!


Like I said earlier, get an education.

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Are you just a wind up merchant?


I'm not condoning riots or murder! Look back at my posts and see my comments.


What do you mean by my race by the way? Have you heard yourself?


Do you know what, I've seen quite a few of your posts on other topics and you always seem to argue with everyone!


Like I said earlier, get an education.


no not trying to wind up, sorry if it comes across like that its just i cant understand why anyone cant see that the rioting is wrong? innocent people and businesses are suffering and it will do no good for the black cause in america.


i didnt mean your race badly worded sorry.


i argue when i dont agree thats called debate.


got a very good education thanks real life and the rest.

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