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Baltimore riots

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How can you seriously expect it not be played in a country that's still only a hundred and fifty years post slavery and where there a largely white police force has been killing shedloads of black folk?


If the boot was on the other foot you'd be playing the race card like it was going out of fashion.


While we're st it, what lessons do you think have been learned in the aftermath of the killings at Kent State University?


How many black police kill black people and how many black police kill white people and how many white police kill white people? Got stats on that?




Know much about the current racial make up of the Los Angeles Police Department of one of the largest and most diverse cities in America? Likewise New York?


As for Kent State........ Well Bloody Sunday in N.Ireland never happened did it?

Edited by Harleyman
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How many black police kill black people and how many black police kill white people and how many white police kill white people? Got stats on that?




Know much about the current racial make up of the Los Angeles Police Department of one of the largest and most diverse cities in America? Likewise New York?


More than you do and I don't even live there. Funny that.

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The black people of Baltimore should be ashamed. The rioters are living up to every negative stereotype there is about lower-class black people.


Since you're so good about telling other people, how should blacks in Missouri feel when they're 66% more likely to be stopped by the police than whites?

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got a source for that??


Yes, it's reported here - http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/08/3-unarmed-black-african-american-men-killed-police


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 21:33 ----------


by the way the chief of police in Baltimore shock horror is wait for it.......BLACK!


So what? Does that somehow impinge on people's right to be angry when someone is killed by the police?

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Since you're so good about telling other people, how should blacks in Missouri feel when they're 66% more likely to be stopped by the police than whites?

What are the crime figures in Missouri like? Are blacks committing more crime, per capita, than whites? If so, they should be stopped more. Police are employed to fight crime, not be politically correct. I would imagine more men are stopped than women for the same reason.

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What are the crime figures in Missouri like? Are blacks committing more crime, per capita, than whites? If so, they should be stopped more. Police are employed to fight crime, not be politically correct. I would imagine more men are stopped than women for the same reason.


Please don't be naive enough to suppose that blacks in America get as good a deal as whites. There's an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest otherwise.


Educate yourself.

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