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Baltimore riots

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What on earth is the supposed relevance of the comment about Bloody Sunday?


That aside, it strikes me that you have very little knowledge or understanding of the experience of your black countrymen, which probably accounys for your complete inability to empathise with them.


Did you know, for example that The wealth gap between caucasian and African-American families nearly tripled from $85,000 in 1984 to $236,500 in 2009?


Of course you didn't - and since you trade in lazy racial stereotyping you'll probably tell me it's because blacks are stupid and feckless as you do in the comments above.


---------- Post added 29-04-2015 at 06:54 ----------



There clearly is a reason for that behaviour. People are very angry. It doesn't excuse what they're doing, but it does explain it.




Mr Gray was alive and well when he was arrested and suffered fatal injuries while in the care of the police. If he was someone you loved would you not be even a tiny bit irritated?




You think the way to prevent violence among adults is to use more violence towards children?

You couldn't make it up.

His parents and family announced that they did not want any rioting or looting from this murder. You can't make it up.
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His parents and family announced that they did not want any rioting or looting from this murder. You can't make it up.


Too often falls on deaf ears. Too many see it as a chance to smash a few windows and grab a few freebies then they wonder why they cant attract more jobs and more businesses to the community.

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Baltimore is a majority black city, it's been run by black democrats for decades now. What exactly is not being done that needs to be done to improve things? The thing that needs to change is the attitude of many of the residents there, too many of whom would rather make quick money in the illegal drug trade than get an education and a career.


What are they tories then?

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You think the way to prevent violence among adults is to use more violence towards children?

You couldn't make it up.


You couldn't make you up Halibut!


I suspect you are in a disapproving minority that accounts for less than 1%. The rest of us applaud that mother.

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You couldn't make you up Halibut!


I suspect you are in a disapproving minority that accounts for less than 1%. The rest of us applaud that mother.


Halibut is a wonderful Barometer - if you are unsure about something, see what Halibut's view is on it, and do or believe the opposite. You will be right 99.99% of the time.

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Rioters never seem to channel their anger against the correct targets. In London a few years ago there were riots after a black man was shot by the police. Why the rioters decided to burn down a furniture store and rob shops of electrical goods and designer trainers is anyone's guess.


Similarly during the LA riots. A black man was beaten by white cops, so lets go and trash our own neighbourhoods and beat up any Korean shopkeepers we can find.


I quite agree. Wouldn't it be nice if all the man hours and resources used to clean up that mess, could be used to help the community instead?

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I get the impression that the authorities in the US, have effectively declared war on the poor and the blacks. How many more do the police need to murder, before these people are justified in fighting back? (not that I think that's a long term solution)


Maybe the people who are saying there is no need for this; would benefit (in terms of perspective) from living a lifetime in some poor black person's shoes in the US? Until then, do we really have the right, or perspective, to judge?

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