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Beatles Vinyl Records Jumping

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I recently purchased the remastered vinyls of two of The Beatles albums, Magical Mystery Tour and Help.


When playing each one, they both start to jump. These are brand new vinyl records so they can't be scratched can they?


We seem to think that it is the record players fault, what do you guys think?



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In days of old, i.e. the sixties when a dodgy record would skip we would put a halfpenny on the arm. a ten pence piece might do the trick now, failing that try a pound.

Inflation has been terrible since decimalisation.

So much for Harrold's the pound in your pocket still being the same.

Edited by Margarita Ma
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Are you playing these records on one of these cheap Vinyl to MP3 converter turntables?


If so they are rubbish.

They are sold with a 15p cartridge and are difficult to adjust the anti skate setting. Putting a weight on the tone arm will just damage the vinyl.


You can buy a second hand proper HiFi turntable for less and that will play any record without fault.

you can't cut corners if you want to listen to records, you need to get a proper Hi-Fi. If you are only spending 120 quid you'd be better with a CD or an mp3.

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