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Help to find old photograph


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Wondered if anyone can help me trace a photo for a lady who is moving away from Sheffield and use to live on Holme Lane, Sheffield.


It is around 1940 and it's where the tramways medical centre is now, maybe a little further down. There was a row of terraced houses where tramways use to be and the photo is of a row of terraced housing and there is a lady stood on the doorstep. My friend knew this lady and has always wanted a copy of this photo.


She tells me there is a print of this in tramways medical centre (the doctors to the left as you go in). Many years ago she asked about the photo and where she could get one but nothing ever came of it.


I would love to get a framed copy of this to give her as a leaving present.


Sorry it's all vague but I know how good Sheffield Forum can be so here's hoping.


Thank you in anticipation for any help

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Thanks multipons, it could be. I'm going to call down to tramways medical centre to have a look at the one there. Might seem a little strange me going in there and saying "oh hello, I've just come to look at your pictures"! Lol


Thankyou very much

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