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Skint in Merthyr Tydfil

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Hi all, was wondering if anyone else is following the new "Skint" series. This time round it's set in Merthyr Tydfil and I couldn't help noticing a difference between this and other benefits type programmes. Starts normally enough, kids hanging around in hoodies, motocross bikes popping wheelies, tattoos, dogs, etc. But then things start to change. These people actually are gagging for work, nobody with huge tribes of kids moaning about how tight the benefit system is. People over the moon just to get an interview, overriding attitude being job, house, kids in that order. I know it's easy for programme makers to put whatever slant they want on their products but I couldn't help but empathise with the folk featured. For an area which used to be ,like Sheffield one of the great industrial powerhouses of Britain to be reduced to this is tragic. I know there's no easy fix but at a time when all eyes are on Scotland it would be nice to think something more could be done for Wales. If these people were allowed to graft they'd be helping themselves and adding value to the UK as a whole.

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Why doesn't industry go there? Has the council offered enough incentives, eg low rates? If not why not? What industries would be suited to operate in Merthyr? And what about people not being able to afford to go to work if they lose some benefit money? Don't forget they would be competing with people in Asia, meaning that Asian goods can be sold whereas less cheap Welsh ones couldn't. If goods were made here and were not as cheap as Asian ones, what would the USP of Welsh goods be? If you really want to help why not figure out the answers to these and similar questions and approach some manufacturers with the proposition that they move to Wales? So, would they work for the minimum wage and would a manufacturer be interested if they did? You need answers.

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